From the Chair

Vic Hasler, Steering Committee Chair

This month brings the 75th anniversary for the Appalachian Trail which was originally deemed “complete” on August 14, 1937 after 15 years of construction.  Since then, the trail has been an ongoing work-in-progress with major changes to the route (such as moving to cross the Roan Mountains) and path (elimination of PUDs*), and the addition of shelters in the 1960s.  A famous quote by Frank Oglesby was “I’m now relocating my relocations!”  This labor of love continues to improve the trail experience, with the assistance of the Konnarock Crew, Hardcore, and college groups.  In addition to the trail construction activities, volunteers are always needed to keep the trail open for the world to enjoy – by clipping back the growth, removing small blowdowns, and checking the shelters along the path.  Please consider joining one of the light maintenance trips… also known as “Hiking with Tools”!

*pointless ups and downs