From the Chair – June

Ian Powell, Steering Committee Chair

The Thru-Hiking Season is definitely in full swing.  With Trail Days the second week of May, I am sure if you have been anywhere near the A.T. in our area, you have seen thru-hikers all around.  Keep in mind what these individuals are undertaking and please do what you can to help them out.  The Friday before Trail Days I got a call on my office phone from a couple of thru-hikers that had found my name on the website.  They had gotten into Johnson City to resupply and rest and didn’t have a way back to the trail.  Though it was definitely busy at work and an unscheduled trip to Johnson City was the furthest thing from my mind, I conceded to give them a ride after I got off work.  I picked them up at their hotel and after a quick trip to Mahoney’s, we were on the way to Erwin to drop them trailside.  The drive to Erwin was filled with great conversation and the diversion from the daily grind was ultimately rewarding and welcome.  So if you get a chance to help out a thru-hiker, count yourself lucky and enjoy the departure from your daily tasks and remember, the south-bounders will be here before long.