F/B Hike: Little Stony Creek Falls, Sunday May 25

Leader: Bill Tindall (423-357-4850)

Rating: Moderate 5 mile round trip hike up and back along a cascading stream

Experience two picturesque waterfalls hidden in a forested gorge. The narrow trail follows the cascading stream with bridges provided for all crossings. Frequent stops expected to enjoy the beauty. Bring a towel to dry your feet, if you plan on briefly wading at the upper falls.

Departure time from Colonial Heights is 1pm Sunday. William Werner will swing by McDonalds/Ingle​s location to check if anyone is there. Otherwise, Food City in Weber City is the second rendezvous point to leave at 1:30pm to the trailhead near Dungannon, VA.

For further information, check the trail wiki or call/e-mail the hike leader.