“Appalachian Impressions” is an epic story about hiking the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. The movie takes you on a six-month, 2,180-mile journey along the most famous long-distance hiking trail in the world. Along the way, you’ll meet hikers who have embarked on this trek, carrying everything they need on their backs. You’ll hear their stories, experiences, and challenges of daily life traveling the Trail across fourteen states. Locally, the film is being shown at the Capitol Cinema in Erwin, TN on October 20, 2013 from 6-8:30PM. The opportunity is the 2013 membership drive, which for $30 or more donation gains a year’s subscription to the colorful AT Journeys magazine among several benefits. Youth under 13 can see the movie free. Tickets can be purchased here.
Erwin Greenbelt – Trip Report
Mary Fanslow reporting
Event Date: August 19th

Sharon Burnett, Pam McBride, Scott Thomsen, and Mary Fanslow enjoyed a six-mile stroll on the Erwin Linear Trail on Sunday, August 19. Dozens of snapping turtles at the bass ponds and a few great blue heron along Indian Creek also took advantage of the weather to sun themselves. We walked from the trail parking lot behind McDonald’s to the park adjacent to the fish hatchery, then reversed course to the wooden bridge over the wetlands. One of us took occasional detours from the group to inspect “interesting non-wildlife” near the trail (mechanical equipment and machinery from nearby demolition and building sites). Another one stayed after the others left to jog eight miles on the path, continuing on out to the Riverwalk area. We all agreed the Linear Trail was worth a repeat visit.
F/B Hike: Erwin Linear Trail, Sunday – August 19
Leader: Mary Fanslow, 423-707-5004
Enjoy an easy stroll along the paved Erwin greenbelt which borders Indian Creek. While the greenbelt length is 5 miles one way, we’ll tailor the length of our walk to participant interest. We’ll meet in the parking lot between the Colonial Heights McDonald’s and the bank at 1 pm, or alternative meeting locations can be arranged. Please let Mary know before 10 pm Saturday, August 18, if you plan to go on the walk. Bring plenty of water.
F/B Hike: Erwin Linear Trail, Sunday, July 8
Leader: Mary Fanslow (423-707-5004)
Rating: Easy
Enjoy a stroll along the paved Erwin greenbelt that borders Indian Creek. While the total greenbelt length is 5 miles one way, we’ll tailor the length of our walk to participant interest. We will meet in the parking lot between the Colonial Heights McDonald’s and the bank at 1pm. Please let Mary know before 10pm Sat, July 7, if you plan to go on the walk. Bring plenty of water. Fishing is permitted for those 12 and under from a variety of venues from the trail.
Appalachian Trail Conservancy Hosting Environmental Monitoring Workshop on May 26
On May 26, 2012 ATC will be hosting a training workshop for environmental monitoring efforts on the A.T. The workshop will be held at Chestoa, near Erwin, and will commence at 9 am. The morning session will provide an overview of ATC’s efforts to monitor the seasonal life or phenological cycles of common plants including leaf-out, flowering, fruiting, and leaf-drop in the fall. The workshop will provide instruction on how to collect and report observations from established sites in the A.T. corridor. Phenology monitoring is a very intuitive exercise that does not require technical experience or botanical skills. People of all ages are encouraged to participate. The afternoon will be spent discussing rare plant monitoring. The workshop will serve as an introduction for new monitors and a refresher for past and current rare plant monitors. Participants will discuss how to locate monitoring sites using GPS technology, how to collect monitoring data, and how to report findings. For those interested in monitoring this field season, there will be a brief discussion of site assignments. There is no cost for the workshop and ATC will provide handouts and other training materials. Equipment will be provided by ATC staff, but participants are encouraged to bring their own GPS, binoculars, compass, or other equipment which may be used in the field. Participants are also asked to provide their own lunch and water, wear long-pants, boots, and layer appropriately for variable weather. To register for the workshop or get more information, please contact ATC’s Resource Management Coordinator John Odell, telephone (828) 254-3708, jodell@appalachiantrail.org.
Friday Hikers: AT – Chestoa to Curley Maple Gap Shelter, Trip Report
Bob Harvey reporting
Event Date: March 30th
The hike of March 30 was on the Appalachian Trail from Chestoa to the shelter near Curley Maple Gap, where we ate lunch, and then returned to Chestoa.
This hike was one that had been planned for quite a while, but postponed either to bad weather or to expected bad weather. This time, though, we could hardly have had it any better. Spring flowers were making their appearances and the trail was in perfect condition. Ordinarily, the northbound through-hikers get to Erwin and vicinity about this time of the year, but we saw only two, both from Destin, Florida. The hikers were Olin Babb, Bob Harvey, Jerry Jones, Susie Seiler, Jerry Sluder and Lowell Toof.