Appalachian Trail – Hurricane Helene Recovery Update

Current Status:

Closure notice for the Appalachian Trail (link to Forest Order# 08-11-08-25-01) designated within the Appalachian Ranger District (ARD) of the Pisgah National Forest (PNF, North Carolina) continues (last updated 3/14/2025) to remain officially closed from Indian Grave to to Hughes Gap (AT NOBO mileage 352.9 to 374.2).  However, a detour (link) has been established around Iron Mountain Gap (NOBO mileage 360.6 to 365.9) which is marked with temporary plastic white blazes and maps at each end.  The bypassed section is blocked with excessive downed timber slated for removal this summer, thus hikers are not to be in this closed areas due to its hazards. 

A new PNF/ARD Forest Order No. 08-11-08-25-02 (not yet publically posted at the time this update was written) prohibits campfires within the Roan Mountain area (Hughes Gap to Doll Flats). Camp stoves are allowed if the area is barren or cleared of all overhead and surrounding flammable materials within three feet.  It is effective until 9/8/2025 unless lifted earlier.  Enforcement will begin with a fire prevention tech talking to folks up in this high use spots within the closure area.  Everyone should emphasize that campfires are not be used through any Helene damaged areas. 

New:  A no-charge ferry service has been established by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) for hikers across the Nolichucky River at the Chestoa Pike bridge which was washed away by Hurricane Helene. (Link) It will operate between 9am to 2pm from March 17th to June 15th, unless inclement weather conditions pause the service.  Hikers are required to sign a release form, wear a life jacket, and follow instructions.  Alternative is an official 3.6 mile road walk detour.  Please be careful as the roads are not hiker-friendly, missing sidewalks with vehicle traffic on some sections.  The plan to replace the bridge has been announced, thus is in the early design phase.

The Moreland Gap Shelter is open.  The metal roof has been covered with a heavy tarp, but could leak in a heavy rain.  Long-term plans will be discussed for the shelter

Continuing Efforts:

While the A.T. is “Open”, it does not mean it is completely safe or cleared to all locations.  Dead trees will continue fall.    Please watch out for hazard trees at bridges, shelters, campsites, and water sources; reporting any to the club and/or forest service to give priority for removal.  The focus is transitioning from punching through the primary path to the subsequent priorities of removing blowdowns from key campsites, around shelters, and on blue blaze trails to water.   The club will also be repairing the deep holes in the tread caused by the many root balls pulled out of the ground.

The Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards (SAWS) have provided a path through the Pond Mountain Wilderness (between Dennis Cove Road and US321) and Big Laurel Branch Wilderness (containing Vandeventer shelter).

While the trail club continues regular weekly crews with some weekend trips, the weather forecast will impact the actual workdays and locations.  Bad weather has delayed twice a joint effort with the Elizabethton High School Mountain Club. At the meeting location (frequently the Roan Mountain Community Park), volunteers will be divided into small groups for the assignments.  Third Saturday trail maintenance is also being done at Bays Mountain Park in Kingsport.

TEHCC End of 2024 Update for Appalachian Trail/Hurricane Helene Recovery

Updates from late November post below.

  • A.T. designated within North Carolina (Doll Flats south to just north of Iron Mtn Gap) remains CLOSED.  Do not enter this stretch of trail.
  • As of December 23rd, the Appalachian Trail is now clear and open from Iron Mtn Shelter to TN/VA border (444.8 mi NOBO to 467.3 mi per 2024 AT Data Book). 
  • However, trees will continue fall over the next year.  Please watch out for hazard trees at bridges, shelters, campsites, and water sources; reporting any to the club and/or forest service to give priority for removal.
  • Along the Elk River from Jones Branch (~399.2 mi NOBO) to Sugar Hollow (400.9 mi) is still severely damaged through erosion.
  • Caution: Iron Mtn Gap to Unaka Mtn is really is impassible in any reasonable time.
  • Repair of shelters at Moreland Gap (may remove damaged roofing) and Cherry Gap will likely not be pursued during 2025.
  • Planned workdays during the winter will drop Tuesdays to continue on Thursdays plus 2nd and 4th Saturdays, with adjustments for weather announced at the start of each week.
  • USFS fire fighters did not get to work in December as they had to perform their primary role (fight fires) elsewhere.
  • Three weeks of Konnarock Crew is being scheduled for March-April, with option for another three weeks at the end of the work season in July-August

As of December 31, 2024, our club maintenance reports indicated that 57.3 miles or 43% of our 134 designated miles have been cleared. Volunteers contributed 4,054 hours across 87 outings, including 554 hours by chainsaw sawyers.

Overmountain Shelter retired

Built in 1975 as barn for the private farm on the North Carolina side of Yellow Mountain Gap, the property was acquired by the US Forest Service in 1979. TEHCC converted the barn in 1986 to be the largest shelter on the Appalachian Trail with great view down into Roaring Creek Valley. Unfortunately, in 2016, the downhill side of the barn was observed to be almost two feet out of plumb. The cause was suspected due to frost heave of the support posts. In May 2019 a primary support beam for the upper floor failed. Stabilization of the building was explored but deemed unworkable, so a temporary closure notice was issued in September 2019 to allow for a NEPA review of options. In November 2023, the published decision notice selected dismantling the structure which has been completed.

The Yellow Mountain Gap campsite with its good water source and pit privy remains available to enjoy the great view. The improvement in backpacking gear over the decades now allows those on long-distance treks to have greater personal responsibility for their overnight accommodations. Leave No Trace principles are best practices for minimizing impact on the land.

TEHCC and Roan Highlands in local news

Local writer John Thompson ( has created a short series of well-written articles about the Appalachian Trail, including TEHCC’s roles as a designed trail-maintaining club. The first, published October 31st (link to Johnson City Press), outlines the basic history of the A.T. and the routing of the trail through the region, particularly across the Roan Mountain. The second, appearing November 6th (link to Johnson City Press), continues with the challenges of maintaining the A.T. in the Roan Highlands. Carl Fritz cited three main reasons: the traffic on the trail, the climate and the soil. The third installment, shared on November 14th (link to Johnson City Press), finished with Carl reviewing his favorite parts of the A.T. in this region.

Alert – Storm Damage – North side of White Rocks

Report received that the Monday (8/14) storms devastated the north side of White Rocks with huge tree tangles and root balls for about three miles somewhere between from Moreland Gap Shelter to Dennis Cove Road (AT MM 414-420). TEHCC sent eight to ten sawyers Thursday (8/17) to clear a path. No immediate trail rehab needed although there are some root ball holes. Expectation is that the trail will need to be rebuilt over the long term due to the damage.

September update:  All storm damage has been cleared by club volunteers and US Forest Service.  Trail repairs were quickly made as less than expected.  Many thanks to the all involved with the rapid response… until the next squall passes through the area.

Current impact of COVID-19 on TEHCC and regional activities

Aligning with guidance from our partner organizations and employer regarding the coronavirus pandemic, the following is our evolving information.  With increasing levels of vaccination (get yours!), the risk of contracting COVID-19 is diminishing in our region. Otherwise, please recognize the hazards of the outdoors which existing before the pandemic.

TEHCC Hiking Program

  • Our club newsletter announces the weekend hikes as they are planned and posted.
  • Important: The club asks that you do not come to any hike or event if you are showing any signs of illness, have had contact with anyone with COVID-19, or have any concerns with your own risk factors. We are NOT organizing carpooling, but meeting at the trailheads – while the Steering Committee considers the guidance being received.

TEHCC Dinner

  • Steering Committee has decided to hopefully celebrate our club’s 75th Anniversary with a Fall Dinner. Details will be shared later in the newsletters.

Appalachian Trail

  • 5/12: Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) now states long-distance hiking on the A.T. to be an acceptable activity, especially for those who have been vaccinated.
  • 4/21: Shelters along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail in Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia are now available for use. Hikers are encouraged to bring their own personal tent and face coverings. Earlier in the pandemic these shelters were shut down, along with trailheads.
  • Overmountain Shelter remains closed due to structural damage, but adjacent camping area and privy are open.
  • Roan Naturalist, Joshua Lyon, can now be encountered in the field – typically around Carvers Gap, but also between Doll Flats to Hughes Gap.
  • Pisgah (NC) and Cherokee (TN) National Forests are now allowing volunteers with restrictions to complete maintenance and repair.  TEHCC has interpreted these conditions include limiting crew size, only travel with immediate family, wash hands or use sanitizer frequently especially before eating, and maintaining 6′ social distancing in the field.  
  • Regular Thursday maintenance crew is operating but with just 8-10 crew members arranged by the A.T. Projects Coordinators (Kramer and Morris).
  • Hiking with Tools! has restarted on second Saturdays. See the club newsletter for details.
  • Overall, the A.T. section managed by TEHCC is clear and open. The 2020 calendar year saw our regular maintenance hours only down 6% as basic tasks were performed by a core group of 131 volunteers. Many, many thanks for keeping the simple footpath open.

Other Trails

  • Present understanding is that day hikers are allowed on area trails but keeping group size to a minimum with less carpooling. 
    • Bays Mountain Park (Kingsport) is open along with Nature Center and programming.   A Third Saturday trail maintenance group (“The Gorillas”) has formed if you are interested in volunteering.
    • Trails in Cherokee National Forest are open for use.
    • East Tennessee Trails Association is now maintaining many CNF trails in the region.
    • Trails in TN state parks are open for use.
    • Virginia State Parks opened for day-use activities, including trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use. Campgrounds, restrooms, and picnic shelters are open. Face coverings are required in all park facilities. Bring cash for entrance fees which are being collected.

Rental Equipment

  • Eastman Recreation says club rental backpacking and camping equipment may be checked out from Building 310. Their open hours are 7:30am to 4pm weekdays. Good use has been reported, thus recommend making reservations at (423) 229-3771.

Area Events

  • Sunday Afternoons: Johnson City Roll Practice at Freedom Hall Pool is back! New time is 1-3PM Sundays for $2. Must exit building with all gear by 3PM.
  • River launch sites are open in the region. 

2nd Saturday, Hiking with Tools!

Hiking with Tools! It has been a long, cold winter. Recently there has been an increased interest to volunteer and ‘give back to the trail’. And there is no time like the present. The first adventure of the year will be on Saturday, March 13th. No experience necessary so come join us for a short hike and some light trail maintenance! For more info, including time and location, contact Tim Stewart at

Ted Malone – 25 Year/Silver Anniversary as a Trail Maintainer

Ted Malone is being honored for having been an Appalachian Trail maintainer for more than 25 years. He was the club’s Hiker of the Year in 1990, and with the Stan Murray awardee in 1993. A review of the club’s records shows that the AT maintenance hours and number of volunteers increased significantly in the mid 1990’s due to his leadership as maintenance recruiter. The records also show that he has over 1,100 hours as a volunteer on the AT. We will honor Ted with a plaque to celebrate his 25 years at the next dinner meeting.

Thank you donation for impressive trail maintenance!

TEHCC received a $250 gift in memory of Mary Ellen Abrecht and Sue King who were part of 15 friends that have slackpacked sections of the Appalachian Trail every May over the past 13 years. The group is mostly from the DC area with others coming in from California, Kentucky, and Minnesota. They stayed at a motel in Johnson City, while sampling as many local eateries at night. The crew jokingly call themselves the “2070 AT Hikers” since when they would finish at their current pace.

The donation was made in honor of two members sadly lost during the past year. Group was impressed by the five-star condition of the trail along the NC/TN border, so researched who was the local trail club – TEHCC. Thank you to the many volunteers who put in the hours to create an enjoyable experience for those who wander through our section.