USFS Notice for Bear Activity at Abingdon Gap Shelter

Update: A new encounter report on 5/16 about an aggressive bear at a quick gallop charging a pair of hikers two miles north of the shelter, then following for another 0.1-mile. New signs will be posted between Damascus and the shelter.

Original Post: Watauga Ranger District is hanging signs today (April 26th) on the Appalachian Trail at US421, McQueen Gap, at the shelter and maybe in Damascus warning about reported bear activity at Abingdon Gap Shelter.  This notice is NOT a camping closure as experienced during the past few years, but a warning to alert hikers. (It could later escalate.)

A small/ young bear chewed on a secured Ursack and moved two bear canisters.  It was observed again on the following night hanging around the shelter.  Bear was not intimidated with yelling, waving, and clapping.

The posted signage asks hikers to hang all food (including canisters) if they are going to be at the shelter.

Refer to the prior posts about bear activity for recommendations… best would be to not camp in the Abingdon Gap Shelter or nearby site.

A.T. Camping Closure – Spivey Gap to Chestoa

Per US Forest Service/Unaka Ranger District, this closure notice has been lifted!!

On October 29, 2022, the US Forest Service announced the following: NOTICE – CAMPING IS CLOSED On the Appalachian Trail from Chestoa to Spivey Gap at 19W until further notice. DUE TO AGGRESSIVE BEAR ACTIVITY.

A very aggressive young (2-3 year old, 200 lb range) bear was reported getting into and destroying three Ursacks at No Business Knob Shelter (NOBO mile 338.0). Cherokee National Forest/Unaka Ranger District has posted the closure notice signs on both end (331,1 to 344.3).

All area visitors should use caution, pack out all trash and food scraps, and never leave food unattended. Overnight hikers should plan their itineraries accordingly to avoid camping in these sections.

Bears are more active along the A.T. this time of year as they try to build fat reserves for the winter and are more likely to be protective of food sources. Make sure bears do not have the chance to access human food by keeping a clean camp and properly storing all food and “smellables” (cookware, toothpaste, lotion, etc.) at night. The ATC recommends that all overnight hikers use a bear canister for the duration of their trip on the Appalachian Trail. 

For more information on bear safety, proper food storage, and bear canisters, visit and BearWise

With the 10/28 post below, this section is currently the third are closed to camping. Proceeding to Erwin is appropriate for NOBOs and getting into North Carolina for SOBOs.

A.T. Camping Closure – VA-TN border to Low Gap-Hwy 421

Per US Forest Service/Watauga Ranger District, this closure notice has been lifted!!

On October 27, 2022, the US Forest Service announced the following: NOTICE – CAMPING IS CLOSED On the Appalachian Trail from the VA-TN border south to the Low Gap-Hwy 421 Intersection until further notice. DUE TO AGGRESSIVE BEAR ACTIVITY.

Because of a reported human encounter with an aggressive bear around Abingdon Gap Shelter (NOBO mile 460.5), the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) is closed to camping between Low Gap/U.S. 421 (mile 455.7) and the Tennessee/Virginia state line (mile 467.0).

This section is similar to the camping closure notice experienced in 2021. Far Out app has reported bear sightings around Abington Gap Shelter in June and September,

The USFS camping closure between U.S. 321 (mile 428.6) and Wilbur Dam Road (mile 433.0) is still in effect.

Please take necessary precautions to limit risk of encountering a bear,  Hikers should camp 200 feet away from where their food and “smellables” are stored for their own safety. For most adults, 200 feet is about 80 steps.  Bear canisters should be sealed correctly and not stored in shelters. (Certified list)  Proper use for Ursacks are to tie securely to the trunk of a tree.  (Link to their How to Use page) For more information about bear safety, see ATC’s safety page on bears where there is a video for PCT Method for hanging your food.

AT Vista (August 4-7, 2023)

The A.T. Vista event will have hikes, excursions, exhibits, workshops, and a pair of dinners using East Tennessee State University at the venue. Early Bird tickets for admission to all aspects over the long weekend are available through 5/31/23 at $100 adults, $50 Youth (ages 16 & under).

Schedules for hike and workshops are being assembled for selections starting in May. If interested in being a hike leader or making a presentation, please contact TEHCC or register at Volunteer | AT Vista 2023. More details will be available closer to the event.

ATC Food Storage Policy

The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) is formally publishing a policy that strongly recommends backpackers and others who camp overnight on the A.T. use an approved food storage method.  First type are provided by land managers, such as cable systems, metal pole with arms and bearproof metal boxes.  While the policy cites that 40% of AT designated overnight sites have these options, none exist on the TEHCC section.  The metal pole at the former Watauga Lake Shelter was ineffective, likely being too short thus was removed from the field.  Second acceptable option type is a personal bear-resistant container carried by the backpacker.  TEHCC has two 440 cubic inch BearVault Solo bear-resistant food storage containers (suitable for weekend trips) available in the rental program. 

The ATC policy strongly discourages the food hang as a method of protecting food and other consumables from bears and other wildlife.  The ATC Register blog cites that 67% of reported bear encounters involve food hangs and storage that the bear “defeated”.   Bears have successfully adapted to this approach while the increasing number of overnight visitors incorrectly execute the food hang, thus the policy recommends eliminating this ineffective method of protecting food on the Appalachian Trail.

The policy advocates that land managers along the A.T. should develop policies either strongly recommending or requiring that an acceptable food storage method (as described above) be used across the entire A.T.  North Carolina Forest Service already requires bear canisters in several areas, including Shining Rock Wilderness and Panthertown (latter signed May 3, 2022). 

ATC continues to request that all encounters with bears along the A.T. be reported using this form.

Camping Closure for A.T. – Double Springs Shelter to Backbone Rock Trail

January 2022: This closure notice has been formally lifted by Cherokee National Forest.

USFS naturalist has determined that a camping closure notice is appropriate due to the multiple recent bear encounters shared below.

The notice reads: CAMPING IS CLOSED On the Appalachian Trail From Above Double Springs Shelter to Backbone Rock side trail (mile marker 451 to appx. mile marker 464) until further notice DUE TO AGGRESSIVE BEAR ACTIVITY. Map

Double Springs Shelter is open for use. Abingdon Gap Shelter is closed.

November: Current plan is to lift the restrictions at end of 2021 calendar year.

5/28: NOBO ~455 – South of Low Gap/US 421. Over 20 minutes before sunrise, a single bear tore holes in the side of a tent and its floor, bit a water bottle, and was unsuccessful at getting into a Ursack. The bear retreated after the pair of backpackers made noise and yelled.

5/25: NOBO Mile 458 – About half mile south of McQueen Knob, where there is a spring at an old farm site. The report states that a momma bear and two cubs stole PCT-hung food bag that was on an arcing tree, which they figured out how to climb. The food bag was hauled away to later be rummaged. The bears did not get much food as the backpacker was nearing Damascus for resupply.

A second part of the incident was that a backpack, hanging from a hammock strap, was bitten leaving puncture holes thru all layers of a pair of folded pants. This encounter was not seen as the hiker was asleep in the hammock – roughly three feet away!

5/18: NOBO Mile 457.7 – About quarter mile from above incident, two different campsites. Bear with two Cubs attempted to steal an Ursack AllMitey food bag tied to a tree – but was unsuccessful due to the properly secured sack. After being confronted, bear eventually retreated but returned to campsite two additional times that night.

Guthook logs are reporting even more bear activity by the momma and two cubs.

Please take necessary precautions to limit risk of encountering a bear,  Hikers should camp 200 feet away from where their food and “smellables” are stored for their own safety. For most adults, 200 feet is about 80 steps.  Bear canisters should be sealed correctly and not stored in shelters. (Certified list)  Proper use for Ursacks are to tie securely to the trunk of a tree.  (Link to their How to Use page) For more information about bear safety, see ATC’s safety page on bears where there is a video for PCT Method for hanging your food.

Road from Carver’s Gap up to Cloudland/ Rhododendron Gardens REOPENED

Sometimes things happen faster than expected. Reports are in that this road has been repaired and the gate is open. Please remember to bring your $3 day use fee to drop into metal tube at parking area entrance.

Rhododendron is shared to be in very early bloom.

Original post: US Forest Service announced that the paved road from Carver’s Gap up to the Cloudland parking lot and Rhododendron Gardens and Roan High Knob overlook is temporarily closed to the public due to having a big hole. The access gate will be locked, although walking or cycling up the road is allowed. USFS does not expect the road will be repaired in time for the big Rhododendron Festival later in June so please adjust your plans.

Current impact of COVID-19 on TEHCC and regional activities

Aligning with guidance from our partner organizations and employer regarding the coronavirus pandemic, the following is our evolving information.  With increasing levels of vaccination (get yours!), the risk of contracting COVID-19 is diminishing in our region. Otherwise, please recognize the hazards of the outdoors which existing before the pandemic.

TEHCC Hiking Program

  • Our club newsletter announces the weekend hikes as they are planned and posted.
  • Important: The club asks that you do not come to any hike or event if you are showing any signs of illness, have had contact with anyone with COVID-19, or have any concerns with your own risk factors. We are NOT organizing carpooling, but meeting at the trailheads – while the Steering Committee considers the guidance being received.

TEHCC Dinner

  • Steering Committee has decided to hopefully celebrate our club’s 75th Anniversary with a Fall Dinner. Details will be shared later in the newsletters.

Appalachian Trail

  • 5/12: Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) now states long-distance hiking on the A.T. to be an acceptable activity, especially for those who have been vaccinated.
  • 4/21: Shelters along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail in Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia are now available for use. Hikers are encouraged to bring their own personal tent and face coverings. Earlier in the pandemic these shelters were shut down, along with trailheads.
  • Overmountain Shelter remains closed due to structural damage, but adjacent camping area and privy are open.
  • Roan Naturalist, Joshua Lyon, can now be encountered in the field – typically around Carvers Gap, but also between Doll Flats to Hughes Gap.
  • Pisgah (NC) and Cherokee (TN) National Forests are now allowing volunteers with restrictions to complete maintenance and repair.  TEHCC has interpreted these conditions include limiting crew size, only travel with immediate family, wash hands or use sanitizer frequently especially before eating, and maintaining 6′ social distancing in the field.  
  • Regular Thursday maintenance crew is operating but with just 8-10 crew members arranged by the A.T. Projects Coordinators (Kramer and Morris).
  • Hiking with Tools! has restarted on second Saturdays. See the club newsletter for details.
  • Overall, the A.T. section managed by TEHCC is clear and open. The 2020 calendar year saw our regular maintenance hours only down 6% as basic tasks were performed by a core group of 131 volunteers. Many, many thanks for keeping the simple footpath open.

Other Trails

  • Present understanding is that day hikers are allowed on area trails but keeping group size to a minimum with less carpooling. 
    • Bays Mountain Park (Kingsport) is open along with Nature Center and programming.   A Third Saturday trail maintenance group (“The Gorillas”) has formed if you are interested in volunteering.
    • Trails in Cherokee National Forest are open for use.
    • East Tennessee Trails Association is now maintaining many CNF trails in the region.
    • Trails in TN state parks are open for use.
    • Virginia State Parks opened for day-use activities, including trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use. Campgrounds, restrooms, and picnic shelters are open. Face coverings are required in all park facilities. Bring cash for entrance fees which are being collected.

Rental Equipment

  • Eastman Recreation says club rental backpacking and camping equipment may be checked out from Building 310. Their open hours are 7:30am to 4pm weekdays. Good use has been reported, thus recommend making reservations at (423) 229-3771.

Area Events

  • Sunday Afternoons: Johnson City Roll Practice at Freedom Hall Pool is back! New time is 1-3PM Sundays for $2. Must exit building with all gear by 3PM.
  • River launch sites are open in the region. 

AT: Carvers Gap to Roan High Knob, Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hike started just after 10am. Even in the first weekend in May, the parking lot at Carvers Gap is starting to fill up. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning/afternoon weather-wise. So perfect that I do not think a single hiker broke a sweat. The hike trekked through the fir forest along the AT for 2 miles, past the Roan High Knob AT shelter and the site/remains of the Cloudland hotel. About 1 mile in, there was a recently downed tree across the trail that involved some climbing over. We passed several section or thru hikers on the trail. After 2 miles on the AT, we continued on the Cloudland Trail for another mile to enjoy the Roan High Knob Bluff overlook all to ourselves for a great rest break and lunch. There was a neat splintered tree from a very recent lightening strike on the Cloudland Trail section. Then we hiked back the way we came, for a round-trip mileage of approx. 6.9 miles (~4.5 total miles on the AT). Gary Bond attended (a new member and previous thru hiker) and was a great companion for the trip with myself and my wife, Jackie.