APES’s Beginner Whitewater Kayaking


1:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type

<html-blob><u></u><p>It’s back! Start your summer off right…. Learn to Kayak!

If you’ve never been in a kayak but would love to join the fun, or if you’ve been down a the river a few times, but would liketo get solid fundamentals for a summer of skillz progression and safe river gnar, this class is for you!

 Cost:    $75 for current APES members.

              $95.00 forNon-members (includes APES membership fee)

Requirements: The essential 5: Whitewater kayak, skirt, paddle, helmet, and pfd. Packed lunch in waterproof container. Quick-dry clothing (no cotton). Close toed shoes. Two liters of water (one in a bottle that can be secured in your kayak like a Nalgene bottle).


We will cover trip planning, how to “read” the river, kayak technique fundamentals, how to quickly and safely exit, and how to maneuver your kayak in moving water. The morning will be land based instruction but most of the day will be on the river, doing the kayak thing! Our focus on high quality information, safety, and most importantly having fun!

Space is limited. Sign up today @ http://www.riverapes.org/registration.html

Please contact Brad Eldridge for more information.

