Volunteer Opportunities at the 2013 Appalachian Trail Biennial Conference

Joe DeLoach and Steve Perri, atchair@tehcc.org, reporting

In 2013 the five Deep-South Appalachian Trail-Maintaining clubs will host the biennial national meeting of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. The meeting will be held July 19-26 on the campus of Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina, about a 2½ hour drive from Kingsport. We are one of the host clubs along with the Carolina Mountain Club, Smoky Mountain Hiking Club, Nantahala Hiking Club, and Georgia Appalachian Trail Club. More specifically, we are responsible for workshops at the conference. We’d welcome anyone who is interested in presenting a workshop, and we will need volunteers to moderate the workshop sessions which are currently scheduled for Saturday and Sunday July 20-21. Volunteers are also needed to lead hikes; around 170 hikes will be offered during the week, and a leader and a co-leader is needed for each hike. Bruce Bente from the Carolina Mountain Club is leading the hiking program. If you’d like to help with the hikes, please contact Bruce at bbente@bellsouth.net. Any volunteers with interests in artwork and/or photography are invited to help organize and judge digital photography and children’s artwork competitions. Finally, volunteers are needed to work at the registration, housing, hikes, excursion, and information desks. If you are willing to help in this fashion, please contact Peter Berntsen of Smoky Mountain Hiking Club (rennur99@bellsouth.net) who is in charge of volunteer recruitment. It takes hundreds of volunteers to make a meeting like this happen. We certainly need more than two TEHCC people to help with the conference and with the workshops, so please consider volunteering. For questions about the Biennial meeting, contact Joe or Steve.

33rd Anniversary Bluestone River Trip Notice

The 33rd annual Bluestone River Trip is scheduled for May 25-26, 2012. A block of six rooms have been reserved at the Mountain Creek Lodge and space is limited this year. Room reservations can be made by calling 1-800-CALLWVA and asking to be connected to the Pipestem Lodge. The block of rooms is under the Tennessee Eastman Hiking and Canoeing Club. Room rates are $87 per night plus tax.

Please call the trip leader, Terry Dougherty at 423-502-5177 to sign up for the river run. We normally paddle both days (Saturday and Sunday), but you can always tram your boat out to avoid paddling a second day. The river (Saturday paddle) is a very scenic 9 mile stretch that passes through a deep West Virginia gorge. It is mostly class II with a couple of borderline class III rapids. The first class III rapid can being easily portaged. The second day is mostly class I and suitable for families. Hope you can join for this great trip!