Exploring the Holston, May 28

Deb Reynolds reporting

Memorial weekend was hot, but mid-day Saturday, the North Fork of the Holston River was calm, cool, and secluded, yet close to home.  We had 4 women for this trip, 2 of whom have never paddled before on their own.  The river is very quiet on this section with farmland, forest and some residential homes.  We saw more blue herons and large turtles than I have seen anywhere else and we were even paddling with the cows that had come down to drink and cool off.  There were trees for most of the section to provide shade with a nice breeze.  The water had a few shoals, but nothing more than a class I, if even that.  We had a short stop for a snack and were off the river in 2 hours with plans for all 4 of us to paddle together again.  I followed up with another paddle on the same section on Memorial Day; the river level had dropped about a foot in 2 days.  We had a few more shoals and dragged bottom a few times.  I would not recommend a composite material kayak at a lower level than this.  The drive for the shuttle was remarkably short and I will be doing this section quite often due to the location and scenery.  I can’t wait for the next sections of the Holston River to explore!   (Attending: Deb, Jaime, Dianne and Sarah on Day 1; Deb and Paul on Day 2).

From the Chair – July

Ian Powell, Steering Committee Chair

I hope everyone is having a nice summer.  It’s been a little rainy, but some really nice weekends none the less.  I wanted to take a second and just remind everyone to be safe.  On the trail and on the water, your environment can change quickly.  Lightning storms have been abundant this season and can be very dangerous.  In 2010 there were 29 lightning fatalities in the USA and for 2011 there are already 6.  If you are outside on the trail or on the water during a storm, it is important to take appropriate actions to minimize the chance of being struck by lightning.  Another summer safety concern is drowning.  In 2007, 3939 fatal, unintentional drownings took place in the United States.  We are blessed to have a number of lakes for recreational use in our area. Please be safe when you are on the water and look out for the person next to you.  Make sure you know what the tell-tale signs of a drowning victim are.  They won’t be flailing around and screaming more than likely.  If you haven’t had a CPR course in a while, it may be time to refresh your training.  I hope everyone enjoys an accident free summer, but it is better to be prepared than to be sorry.

Konnarock Crew – Hughes Gap to Cloudland Relocations

Scheduled for July 8-10, and July 29-31, 2011

Leaders: Joe DeLoach and Carl Fritz

Last year, we began one of our most ambitious Appalachian Trail relocations ever, from Hughes Gap to Cloudland atop Roan Mountain.  This formerly 2.6-mile section of Trail ascends 2200′, with a 0.4-mile slight descent along the way, making it possibly the steepest section of the A. T. in the south.  We’ve flagged numerous relocations to climb the mountain at a sustainable 10-12% side-hill grade, and built the first four with Hard Core, student groups, and Club outings in 2010.  This year, we’ll tackle some sections higher on the mountain with all our resources, including the Konnarock Crew, which will work near the midpoint of the section.  The Konnarock Crew, in its 29th year, is managed by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and works with the 12 southern clubs.  We are fortunate to have them for five weeks this year, with plans to devote the first three weeks to these relocations and the final two weeks of July 29-31 and August 11-15 to putting more gravel on Round Bald.  The Crew arrives on a Thursday afternoon, has three full days of work Friday-Sunday, and departs Monday afternoon; so the best days to work with them are Friday-Sunday.  Volunteers who work at least 40 hours with the Crew receive a Konnarock T-shirt for their efforts.  Please contact Joe DeLoach or Carl Fritz if you’re interested in helping.

The Week Ahead – July 6th

It’s summertime and I bet it’s busy for a lot more people than me. We’ve got lots of adventure to satisfy your weekend needs.

  • The usual Thursday paddle to the grill and Friday Hikers
  • Konnarock Crew continues their major undertaking
  • A Cl1-2 trip down the Watauga River
  • The already full annual Mt LeConte trip

Check out the schedule for the details.