Property:Trail Type

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This is a property of type Text. It is used to hold the choice of Loop / Segment / In-and-Out to signify roughly the trail type.

Loop hikes are those hikes where a significant portion, at least half of the trail, can be completed without repeating large sections in the reverse. Additionally, the Loop hike begins near a parking location.

A Segment is a trail that cannot be reached without hiking on a different trail to reach the trail head. Typically part of a larger network, a prime example of segment trails is the Bays Mountain Park trail network.

In-and-Out are trails that begin near a parking location and more than half must be repeated to return to the trail head (i.e. not a Loop and not a Segment).

Although a Segment Loop could exist, we are not aware of any at this time.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
In-and-Out  +
In-and-Out  +
In-and-Out  +
Segment  +
Segment  +
Segment  +
In-and-Out  +
Segment  +
Segment  +
In-and-Out  +
In-and-Out  +
Segment  +
In-and-Out  +