Trail Maintenance Reporting Form

The TEHCC, Appalachian Trail Conservancy and United States Forest Service track the number of volunteer hours accumulated while maintaining the Appalachian Trail. If you have worked on the Trail, please report your time using the form below.

ATTENTION:  Upon successful trail maintenance submission, you should receive an email at the provided address indicating so. You can also check for your entry at our recent maintenance submissions page. If your submission is unsuccessful, send your trail maintenance information in the same format as the form to

ATTENTION: The form has been replaced for an update. If you encounter any problems or needs, please contact me at

    Comments or questions are welcome.

    Enter time in rounded numbers as "work hours (travel hours)" format. Example of 5 hours maintaining a trail with 2 hours travel there and back: "5 (2)"

    Routine maintenance tasks performed (check all that apply - Required):

    Characters remain: 1400
