Recent AT Maintenance

Below is submitted maintenance activities for the last 6 weeks. Please note that trail conditions can change quickly. Or view maintenance by section.
Reporting: Jim Foster
Date: 2025-03-25
Purpose: Repair root balls
Section: 16a: Hughes Gap to Greasy Creek Gap
People: Yong Li, Jim Foster
Summary: Yong and I finished repairing the root balls between Hughes Gap and Little Rock Knob. I think there were ten in all. One was very large and required cut logs to fill it before we could even start. The others required cribbing and fill to repair. To the best of my knowledge this completes the treadway repair on our section.

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-03-20
Purpose: Helene Blowdown Removal
Section: 6: Iron Mountain Shelter to Vandeventer Shelter
People: Scotty Bowman
Kacy Hirschfelt
Nick Anderson
Joshua Tourtellotte
Kevin Matthews
Summary: This entry is for the dates of Tuesday March 18 - Thursday March 20. USFS staff shuttled the crew up to the wilderness boundary Tuesday morning. The crew then hiked to the campsite in the middle and began working south. Between Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning the crew was able to clear 2.2 miles south towards Vandeventer shelter.

The numbers:
91 trees cleared
18 treetops
2.2 miles of trail opened up
.75 of a mile left to clear with 27 trees and 8 treetops. Plan to clear these on Tuesday, March 25 with the help of Brandon Church and Taylor Neigh

Reporting: Steve Perri
Date: 2025-03-21
Purpose: Attend SORO Regional Partnership Meeting
Section: Other (Meetings/preparation/etc.)
People: Steve Perri
Summary: We collectively celebrated the 100 yr ATC anniversary. Both ATC and the USFS have funds available for Helene recovery work from different sources. The USFS praised clubs for their diligence in recovery work to open the trail so quickly and safely. An updated trail maintenance guide was just published by the USFS and has new techniques in it. The USFS has some new guideline changes to the chainsaw sawyer training and is planning on adding more training sessions for 2025 along with probably 2 hazard tree courses. The Cherokee NF and GWJ NF in VA have new considerations in meeting NEPA requirements regarding human sanitation and privies. Moldering privies will be required along the AT to meet the stipulations in the ruling. Matt Drury shared plans for dealing with noninvasive species recovery for areas impacted by Helene. This work will involve major contractors along with ATC and possibly club assistance to reduce the fuel of downed trees. The southern clubs submitted nominations for various awards. Among those awarded include Brandon Church from rom the Cherokee NF as agency partner of the year, Hot Springs as partner of as partner of the year, and me for volunteer of the year. TEHCC was among 4 clubs recognized with a plaque by ATC for for the effort in reopening the AT.

The fall SORO meeting will be Nov. 8th at Amicalola Falls State Park.

Reporting: Scott Huskey
Date: 2025-03-22
Purpose: Trail Maintenance
Section: 4b: Double Springs Shelter to TN91
People: Eddie Speers and Scott Huskey
Summary: Cut two blowdowns and did some additional sawing to widen the trail in two locations.

Reporting: JOE MORRIS
Date: 2025-03-22
Purpose: Rehab and Blowdown removal
Section: 12c: Sugar Hollow Creek to Campbell Hollow Road
People: Nola Versfelt, Richard Good, Tim Stewart, Joe Morris
Summary: We rehabbed two root balls and 82 feet of trail. Armored 30 additional feet with locust logs framing other root ball cavities. We cut many blowdowns most of them secondary downfalls.
This crew worked from 399.2 to 400.0. Richard Good received his patch for first outing with TEHCC.

Reporting: Carl Fritz
Date: 2025-03-22
Purpose: Cut Blowdowns and Deal with Root Balls
Section: 12b: Walnut Mountain Road to Sugar Hollow Creek
People: Dan Firth
Carl Fritz
Gerald Scott
Summary: We left everything that was passable so we could concentrate on major obstacles. First one was a new 20 inch blowdown not there a week ago. We cut out numerous overhead trees that were sagging. A 30" blowdown that we avoided previously, we were able to easily go behind root ball with a little digging. Another 20" dead tree root ball we were able to go through. Another sawyer day with smaller saw is still justified. Beautiful day and many hikers.

Reporting: Carl Fritz
Date: 2025-03-22
Purpose: Primarily Cut Blowdowns
Section: 12c: Sugar Hollow Creek to Campbell Hollow Road
People: Dennis Whittington
Van Hovey
Tony Messina
Dean Baird
Bill Murdoch
Heather Waldroup
Michael Sink
Summary: The crew removed some small blowdowns on AT from Elk River to Jones Falls blue blaze trail. They then went after the blue blaze trail hard and were able to get it cleared with three sawyers and four swampers.

Reporting: Steve Perri
Date: 2025-03-19
Purpose: Trail Assessment of Root Ball Damage and Blowdown Removal
Section: 3: McQueen's Gap to US421
People: Carl Fritz, Ted Malone, Steve Perri, Ed Speer, Tim Stewart, Steve Wilson
Summary: We did a walk through from McQueens Gap to Low Gap at 421. We cleaned water bars out, cut out blow downs, removed encroaching vegetation and downed tree branches, counted root balls needing to be filled in, and checked the spring. Steve and Ed removed about 17 trees blocking the trail and left about 5 on the last mile or so after running out of gas. Carl and Tim assessed the repairs needed for the proposed Helene Hardcore group planned for the AT Damascus Days in May, There were about 10 root balls on Carl's list we thought could use filling in which won't be a lot of work since the trail is flat and very little damage impacted the tread way directly. We're rethinking the resources needed for the proposed Hardcore plan may be much less. We also cut out about a dozen trees with the Corona saw we carried with us along with dragging other trees off the trail. Trees are slowly coming down from their initial hanging state when we came through several months ago. Carl has the detailed assessment list, the tree locations and the difficulty rating along with specific comments.

Reporting: Dennis Whittington
Date: 2025-03-11
Purpose: Complete Trail Assessment and Routine Maintenance
Section: 12c: Sugar Hollow Creek to Campbell Hollow Road
People: Dennis Whittington
Summary: Complete remaining evaluation of Section 12C from Jones Falls to Sugar Hollow Creek. Remove 2 small blowdowns, cut back encroaching branches, clear small blowdown at Sugar Hollow Creek crossing and begin to pick up trash/stack wood debris along Elk River.

Reporting: JOE MORRIS
Date: 2025-03-19
Purpose: Finish reroute around Iron Mountain Gap
Section: 17: Iron Mountain Gap to FS230 switchback
People: Steve Domagala
Van Hovey
Joe Morris
Summary: We helped Brandon and Taylor complete the reroute around the Helene salvage area and posted closure notices.

Reporting: Greg Kramer
Date: 2025-03-18
Purpose: Clear Blowdowns
Section: 5: TN91 to Iron Mountain Shelter
People: Greg Kramer
Bill Murdoch
Summary: Thank goodness I carried 2 bars and 3 chains. So many of the blowdowns had rootballs attached or were under very unusual strain. Trees were flaking apart and trapping the bar. SAWS had come through yesterday ? and cleared much of my sections difficult blowdowns. The blowdown we came to deal with was removed. I still had much to do. I had a new blowdown that was 20's diameter hip high across the trail. We removed everything from the shelter to down to the big staircase. like waterbars of last week and blowdowns this week a return trip to finish will be required. most probably next week.

Reporting: Carl Fritz
Date: 2025-03-17
Purpose: Plan Trail Rehab
Section: 20c: No Business Knob Shelter to Spivey Gap
People: Dan Firth
Carl Fritz
Summary: Lotta and Ken made an excellent assessment of the root ball damage and blowdowns on this section. We investigated materials and tools to repair these. It seems we could easily entertain 15 to 20 volunteers with a lot of digging. Largest root ball hole of 25 feet at mm 336.9 is the most urgent. The 30" blowdown can be made as a feature to rather easily pass under. We cleared some minor blowdowns with hand saws


Reporting: Michael Sink
Date: 2025-03-17
Purpose: Blazing Reroute
Section: 16b: Greasy Creek Gap to Iron Mountain Gap
People: Michael Sink
Van Hovey
Summary: Swamped and blazed the Iron Mountain reroute with the Forest Service guys. We worked from The Orchard southbound to 107.

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-03-13
Purpose: Helene Blowdown Removal
Section: 6: Iron Mountain Shelter to Vandeventer Shelter
People: Scotty Bowman
Kacy Hirschfelt
Nick Anderson
Trae Schadegg
Joshua Tourtellotte
Kevin Matthews
Summary: This is for the dates of March 11-13, 2025. We hiked in from TN 91 and based out the campsite near Iron Mountain Shelter spring. We cleared the section between the northern wilderness boundary to 1 mile south to the campsite located at Blackman Branch (referred to as Pack Saddle by SAWS). In this one section we cleared 60 trees of multiple sizes and the corridor is open on this section.

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-03-14
Purpose: Helene Blowdown Removal
Section: 5: TN91 to Iron Mountain Shelter
People: Scotty Bowman
Kacy Hirschfelt
Nick Anderson
Trae Schadegg
Joshua Tourtellot
Kevin Matthews
Summary: As we hiked back to Cross Mountain after finishing up our hitch in BLB we cleared 10 trees along this section. We skipped 2 trees in the last 1.5 miles.

Reporting: Tracy Harrisa
Date: 2025-03-16
Purpose: lopping rhododendrons
Section: 9a: US321 to Pond Flats
People: Tracy Harris
Summary: Lopping rhododendrons

Reporting: Michael Sink
Date: 2025-03-14
Purpose: Trail Assessment, Blowdown Removal, and Trash Removal
Section: 14d: Stan Murray Shelter to Carvers Gap
People: Michael Sink
Jeff Hatling
Cheryl Ramsey
Summary: This report covers 3 days on section 14d. I went out on 2/28 to do an assessment of the section and logged the issues with pictures and GPS locations. I met up with Jeff on 3/13 and we cleared 5 blowdowns and 2 step overs between Stan Murray and Grassy Ridge. including a blowdown that had occurred after my assessment. Went back out on 3/14 with Cheryl and packed out an abandoned tent and trash from a stealth site at 383.4. We also cleared a recent blowdown between Jane and the Grassy Ridge blue blaze junction with a Silky to make it passable.

Reporting: Gerald N Scott
Date: 2025-03-14
Purpose: Routine Spring Maintenance & Trail Maintenance Assessment
Section: 12b: Walnut Mountain Road to Sugar Hollow Creek
People: Gerald Scott
Harold Wexler
Summary: We cleared several 4–8-inch blowdowns. Left 2 new blowdowns too large for Silky saws. One was a 15-20 inches dead tree lying on the end of the foot bridge at mile 403.8 (see picture). Hikers are still able to use the bridge to cross the water stream but are having to step off on the north end. The other was also a dead tree (20 inches) near Sugar Hollow creek at 402.0 (see picture). Two new "Tenting" signs are needed for the Tent camping area at Mountaineer Falls Shelter. Completed the Helene storm damage Trail Maintenance Assessment. We encountered 10 thru hikers and 2 section hikers.

Reporting: Dean Baird
Date: 2025-03-14
Purpose: Complete Trail Maintenance Assessment
Section: 10: Hampton trailhead to Dennis Cove Road
People: Dean Baird
Jennifer Baird
Summary: To complete the Trail Maintenance Assessment, we found no blowdowns or other trail problems significant enough to report. The trail is in good condition. Blazes were refreshed last year and do not need to be done at this time. We removed a small bag of trash. This was a beautiful day to be out and we saw a few hikers.

Reporting: Dean Baird
Date: 2025-03-14
Purpose: Complete Trail Maintenance Assessment
Section: 9b: Pond Flats to Hampton trailhead
People: Dean Baird
Jennifer Baird
Summary: This trip was primarily to complete the Trail Maintenance Assessment. The specific findings were that there are these remaining blowdowns;
1). 24" red oak transversely across trail at 425.6 immediately trail North to the spring (from Helene)
2). Huge 0.2 mile long area of multiple blowdowns from Helene (which everyone is already aware of) from 425.6 to 425.4. NOTE: The trail south beginning of the reroute has had multiple additional flagging added since we were last there. This is apparently to aid hikers in finding the temporary reroute.
3). At 424.7 there is a rootball partially in the trail with an ~ 9 inch trunk that I sawed previously hoping to move the root ball. That was not happening. Scotty and his crew also left it. We will try to dig it out at some time. It is essentially no more that a 9" stopover since the rootball covers only a portion of the trail.
4). 4 inch blowdown on the railroad grade that I sawed and removed.
There were no other blowdowns on this section (Thank you to Scotty Bowman and SAWS crew for cutting what we could not.) and the trail is in very good shape.
Blazes were refreshed last year and do not need to be done at this time.
This was a beautiful day; we saw 2 hikers on the section.

Reporting: Steve Wilson
Date: 2025-03-12
Purpose: Blowdown Removal and Trail Assessment
Section: 2b: Low Point roughly 2 miles N of Abingdon Gap Shelter to McQueen's Gap
People: Ken Costello, Ed Speer & Steve Wilson
Summary: In this outing we cut ten blowdowns - seven simple and three large - that had required hikers to “duck under” or “crawl over” while hiking. This section is now clear of blowdowns and a joy to hike.

Reporting: Joe Morris
Date: 2025-03-13
Purpose: Blowdown removal, repurpose gravel, and build locust steps
Section: Choose Section
People: Carl Fritz, Dan Firth, Greg Kramer, Bill Murdoch, Art Hagar, Randy Allen, Dennis Lewis, Tony Messina, Tim Stewart, Bob Peoples, Joe Morris
Summary: The Thursday crew created 7 new locust steps, harvested gravel for use at a later date and blowdowns were removed both north and south of Carvers. Beautiful day in the Highlands with plenty of hikers enjoying the day.

Reporting: Dan Firth
Date: 2025-03-11
Purpose: Remove Hazard Trees
Section: 2b: Low Point roughly 2 miles N of Abingdon Gap Shelter to McQueen's Gap
People: Dan Firth
Carl Fritz
Summary: Removed a group of three hazard trees at the parking area at McQueen's Gap.

Reporting: Dan Firth
Date: 2025-03-11
Purpose: Cut Hazard Trees
Section: 4a: US421 to Double Springs Shelter
People: Dan Firth
Carl Fritz
Summary: Removed 9 hazard trees including 7 at the campsite near Double Springs shelter. Cleared two campsites. Removed several small blowdowns.

Reporting: Joel Zabel
Date: 2025-03-12
Purpose: clear recent blowdowns
Section: 17: Iron Mountain Gap to FS230 switchback
People: Jeff Miller
Adam Bean
Joy Zabel
Joel Zabel
Summary: Hiked to 363.9 to remove 3 hiker reported waist high blowdowns 4" to 10". Continued south to 363.4 and removed a few more small blowdowns and improved 2 rootball holes w/ rocks & trunk cuttings to make steps in & out more manageable; more work needed in that area. Drove to the closed gate on Red Fork Rd and hiked to Low Gap (24" blowdown across road just before FS 4344; no vehicles can pass until removed). Hiked south from Low Gap to Unaka summit - first time since ATC hired contractors punched through that stretch. Many new small blowdowns that we cleared. The 0.3 miles south from Low Gap is a rootball disaster: many large ones on side hills, lots of fill and steps needed. It would be a great place for the Konnarock crew that is coming soon to spend some time.

Reporting: Lotta Murray
Date: 2025-03-12
Purpose: Assessment of trail
Section: 20c: No Business Knob Shelter to Spivey Gap
People: Ken murray
Lotta Murray
Summary: Hiked from Devils creek gap to NBK shelter to do the trail assessment sheet and light trail work. Cut multiple small blowdowns and overhanging brush. 2 large root ball's destroyed the trail and one smaller one. One required climbing down 4 feet then up again 20 feet later. Multiple smallish and larger trees, easy to cut with a chainsaw. One large 30 inches diameter tree on a steep slope with a large rootball that will surely come down. Looks very dangerous. The trail to the spring was obliterated by a tree but someone cut a new trail. The new trail could use some work. Could not even see the spring so Trimmed some low hanging rhododendrons around it to open it up. Will need some blue paint and a left and right water sign. Picked up some trash around the shelter but it was fairly clean. Put out a new logbook.
Sent pictures and report to Renee.

Reporting: Greg Kramer
Date: 2025-03-12
Purpose: Clean Waterbars
Section: 5: TN91 to Iron Mountain Shelter
People: Greg Kramer
Kent Gardner
Summary: I have a new large blowdown within 1/2 mile of the shelter. A flagged path was created to go around. Water source South was not flowing as usual. The NOBO water source was flowing great as usual. Long day.

Reporting: Richard Ramsey
Date: 2025-03-01
Purpose: Clearly down trees
Section: 14a: Doll Flats to Bradley Gap
People: Richard Ramsey, Nancy Mick
Summary: Cleared 6 to 8 blowdowns with Silky

Reporting: Rick Lott
Date: 2025-03-11
Purpose: Remove Two Blowdowns Trail South of Doll Flats
Section: 14a: Doll Flats to Bradley Gap
People: Rick Lott
Mike Watts
Summary: In conjunction with the work on 19E to Doll Flats section, we also took out 2 blowdowns trail south of Doll Flats that had previously been reported by Richard Ramsey. The first one was about a 4 tree tangle with diameters from 4"-16". The second one was a multi branch tree with about a 12" trunk and smaller branches that was laying parallel on the trail up some rock steps for about 20'. Both blowdowns were removed uneventfully with only one minor bar pinch. We did encounter a few NOBO and also some section hikers. We were told there were perhaps two more blowdowns further south from where we cut these. One was described at about 1.5 miles south of Doll Flats and the other one was near the end of the tree line before Hump Mtn. We can probably tackle these in a few weeks while tackling the 14" locust below Doll Flats.

Reporting: Rick Lott
Date: 2025-03-11
Purpose: Clear Blowdowns and Survey Trail for Tread Damage
Section: 13: US19E to Doll Flats
People: Rick Lott
Mike Watts
Summary: We spotted Rick's car at 19E trailhead and took Mike's up the Doll Flats USFS road. Removed a lot of small debris from road. Road was OK for Mike's Forerunner and later for my Outback. We cleared the 2 blowdowns on the water access trail with the Stihl gas saw and then switched to the electric Devault for the trip to 19E. We cleared one blowdown with about three 4-6" branches. At 393.1 where the previous landslide was unchanged, there was a 14" locust across the switchback and up the trail about 15'. It was too big for the Devault. Hikers had shortcutted the switchback. The landslide needs some digging and rock steps, but is easy to navigate currently. At 393.0, we cleared a double fork 8-10" blowdown. At 393.4, we noted two hazard leaner trees, that appeared stable for time being. The three slides around 394.2 looked to be unchanged and will require digging, rock steps and perhaps some cribbing. Three more blowdowns around 8" were cut at or below the slides. The Devault ran out of juice at the last 8-10" blowdown at 394.8. Will catch it from 19E in future trip. It's an easy step over. Pictures of the 4 slide areas are attached. All of the slide areas can be traversed fairly easily.

Reporting: Steve Wilson
Date: 2025-03-10
Purpose: Cleaning Up Blowdowns at McQueens Knob Shelter
Section: 3: McQueen's Gap to US421
People: Carl Belcher, Ed Speer, & Steve Wilson
Summary: We continued to clean up the blowdowns and brush around McQueens Knob emergency shelter. This 90-year-old structure built with logs is vulnerable to fire, so we cut nearby blowdowns and relocated the cut logs further away from the shelter. For extra protection we also removed sticks and debris around the shelter and fire ring.

Reporting: Steve Domagala
Date: 2025-03-08
Purpose: clear blow downs, remove trash from shelter, assess tread path and complete the TRAIL MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT
Section: 20b: Temple Hill Gap to No Business Knob Shelter
People: Steve Domagala
Randy Allen
Summary: removed large bag of trash and took down a tarp that had been attached to the shelter.

Reporting: Tim Stewart
Date: 2025-03-08
Purpose: check section
Section: 11b: Canute Place to Bitter End
People: Tim Stewart
Summary: I met Carl, Dan, Bill and Tony at the Roan Mountain Community Park. We drove to Bitter End where I parked my car. Carl drove to the shelter access point. The regraded road was much better with a number of berms to serve as water diversions. Not sure how my car will handle the road but there are fewer potholes and the trench was gone (at least that I could tell from sitting in the back of Carl's truck).

The access trail was very well cleared previously. At the shelter, one could easily see that Helene had visited. Numerous blowdowns and damage to the shelter roof. I did some minor routine shelter tasks while everyone else started clearing debris. I then started the hike back to Bitter End to check this part of my section.

From the shelter back to almost the new access point there is still some chainsaw and minor treadway work to be done. Approximately 1.3 miles. The picture with the double ribbon would be the turnaround point (from the shelter) for chainsaw work related to Helene. From the new access point to Hard Core Cascades is mostly ok. From Hard Core Cascades to Bitter End, there are several areas where the treadway needs to be redefined. Overall, the trail is hikeable.

Back at Bitter End, Carl and group showed up several minutes later. Good timing! Good day with much accomplished but still much to do.

Reporting: Carl Fritz
Date: 2025-03-08
Purpose: Cut Trees to Open Camping Area and Restore Moreland Gap Shelter
Section: 11b: Canute Place to Bitter End
People: Tony Messina
Carl Fritz
Bill Murdoch
Dan Firth
Summary: Trees were down next to Moreland Gap shelter and had camping areas blocked. We were able to open an area for a number of tents. We installed a log onto the cement blocks and got the roofing into position. We patched the roof as best we could. It should be usable but may have some leaks. If we install a good tarp on top, it may be good for a couple of seasons.

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-03-06
Purpose: Helene Blowdown Removal
Section: 7: Vandeventer Shelter to Wilbur Dam Rd
People: Scotty Bowman
Kacy Hirchfelt
Tyler Cairnes
Neil Vaidya
Lindsey Lytle
Simon Farr
Trae Schadegg
joshua tourtellotte
Kevin Matthews
Summary: We hiked in Wednesday morning and did an overnight for this hitch. The plan was to tackle the last large tree top over the shelter, clear a large oak on the spring trail, and touch up some tread areas around blowdowns. We were able to clear the tree from the shelter and bucked it up into manageable chunks along with 100 feet reestablished trail and 5 blowdowns. We worked Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning and then hiked out for well deserved long weekend.

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-03-04
Purpose: Helene Blowdown Removal
Section: 9a: US321 to Pond Flats
People: Scotty Bowman
Kacy Hirchfelt
Tyler Cairnes
Neil Vaidya
Lindsey Lytle
Simon Farr
Trae Schadegg
joshua tourtellotte
Kevin Matthews
Summary: We spent the day working from 321 to Pond Flats clearing the larger blowdowns on the section and began tackling Pond Flats. This section is clear from the wilderness boundary to the spring. We worked on the south approach of mess and cleared a few more trees. We cleared 16 trees in total on this day.

Reporting: Vic Hasler
Date: 2025-03-04
Purpose: Spring AT Partnership
Section: Other (Meetings/preparation/etc.)
People: Vic Hasler, Joe Morris, Bob Peoples, Steve Perri, Tim Stewart
Summary: 26 members of ATC, USFS, CMC/TEHCC, SAWS, SAHC, and Wild South invested time discussing needs of the Appalachian Trail, especially recovery from Hurricane Helene. TEHCC crews have made significant progress clearing the path. Chestoa Pike bridge replacement received FEMA funding and will have a a wider pedestrian path due to updated code requirements. Relocation is not a current option for trail repairs outside of the temporary one at Iron Mtn Gap. No or few prescribed burns as fire suppression is the top priority now. Everyone should emphasize that campfires should not be used through Helene damaged areas. Open area maintenance is planned out for 2025. After SAWS finishes Pond Flats, only three miles in Big Laurel Branch will remain to be cleared sometime this year. Next meeting date was selected to be Tuesday, October 21 at ARD.

Reporting: Dennis Whittington
Date: 2025-02-24
Purpose: AT Trail Maintenance Assessment
Section: 12c: Sugar Hollow Creek to Campbell Hollow Road
People: Dennis Whittington
Summary: Assessment time was spent visually observing and photographing maintenance work needed for Section 12C. Assessment was conducted from MM 399.2 to MM 400.9 and included the Jones Falls Blue Blaze. Time was spent time cutting back encroaching vegetation, picking up trash, and removing small blowdowns. Additional time was also spent removing small to moderate size blowdowns from the easterly portion of the Blue Blaze nearest to Jones Falls. Approximately 100 feet was cleared.

Reporting: Dan Firth
Date: 2025-03-04
Purpose: Section Maintenance
Section: 4a: US421 to Double Springs Shelter
People: Dan Firth
Summary: Fixed the last root ball and moved a water diversion from below the root ball to above it. Pushed back brush from the trail. Cleaned water diversions including the ditch along the road at Low Gap.

Reporting: Dan Firth
Date: 2025-03-01
Purpose: Section Maintenance
Section: 4a: US421 to Double Springs Shelter
People: Dan Firth
Summary: Cut back a root ball between Locust Knob and the shelter to straighten the trail. Cut logs that had slid down into the trail and pushed back encroaching brush. Cut a head high blow down. Cleaned water diversions north to the bottom of Locust Knob. Ed Spears fixed two root balls toward the shelter.

Reporting: Van Hovey
Date: 2025-03-02
Purpose: Clear blowdowns
Section: 19b: Curley Maple Gap Shelter - Nolichucky River
People: Van Hovey
Carrie Hovey
Summary: Objective was to remove 2 blowdowns ,
1 - 5” knee high at the USA Raft trailhead
1 - 14” chest high about 150’ SoBo of trailhead
Both dispatched no problems ….. Cheers

Reporting: Tony Messina
Date: 2025-03-04
Purpose: Chainsaw Certification
Section: Other (Meetings/preparation/etc.)
People: Tony Messina
Carl Fritz
Greg Kramer
Steve Wilson
Van Hovey
Rick Lott
Scot Huskey
Jeff Hatling
Mike Watts
Randy Allen
Steve Domagala
Dave Allen
Summary: Two day Chainsaw Recertification Training taught by Chuck Ramsey from Pisgah District. Brandon Church (USFS) assisted in the second day field evaluations. Monday, March 3, consisted of classroom sessions at the USFS Watauga Work Center. Tuesday consisted of hands-on field sessions at the nearby Atwood Property. Chuck evaluated the fellers and Brandon evaluated the buckers.

Tony, Carl, Greg, Steve W, Van, and Rick certified as fellers. Scott, Jeff, Mike, Randy, Dave, and Steve D certified as buckers.
Randy, Steve D, Dave and Scott were upgrading (they had attending Chuck's November TEHCC class) and did not have to attend both days.
Scott attended both days anyway.

It was a very productive class with good discussions and excellent practical learning.

Reporting: Jim Foster
Date: 2025-03-04
Purpose: Repair root balls
Section: 16a: Hughes Gap to Greasy Creek Gap
People: Jeff Miller, Jim Foster
Summary: Jeff and I repaired 6 root balls to the point that they can be safely walked. When Yong returns and we have a chainsaw we will finish them off to a higher standard.

Reporting: Karen Berry
Date: 2025-02-28
Purpose: Routine
Section: 14c: Yellow Mountain Gap to Stan Murray Shelter
People: Karen Berry and Annette Vinding
Summary: Removed and replaced shelter trail log. Could not erase graffiti board without a chemical. Markers missing.

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-02-28
Purpose: Blowdown Removal
Section: 6: Iron Mountain Shelter to Vandeventer Shelter
People: Rebekah Morrisson (SAWS)
Mason Boring (USF
Kacy Hirchfelt (SAWS)
Tyler Cairnes (SAWS)
Trae Schadegg (SAWS)
Kevin Matthews (SAWS)
Scotty Bowman (SAWS)s)
Summary: This report is for the the dates of February 25-28, 2025.

During their time out there the team was able to clear 84 trees and 2.7 miles of trail. Vandeventer shelter has been cleared of the debris field, although there is one large g tree section that will require rigging to remove. As of February 28, the wilderness section beginning at Wilbur Dam Rd to 1.7 miles north of Vandeventer (6.7 miles in total) is clear and passable. There is approximately 3 miles left to clear.

Reporting: Wesley Miller
Date: 2025-02-22
Purpose: Recon of Trail
Section: 12c: Sugar Hollow Creek to Campbell Hollow Road
People: Wesley Miller and Megan Krager
Summary: Recon of trail in order to plan for next trail workday.

Reporting: Wesley Miller
Date: 2025-03-01
Purpose: Blowdown Removal
Section: 12c: Sugar Hollow Creek to Campbell Hollow Road
People: Dennis Whittington
Wesley Miller
Megan Krager
Summary: Started at Campbell Hollow Rd. Started with one pine tree snarl, then removed 3 pines laying across path just a few feet above snarl. From that point, hiked in seven tenths of a mile, towards Jones Falls, cutting back blowdowns, lower hanging branches/trees that were addressed a few months prior.

Reporting: Tracy Harris
Date: 2025-02-26
Purpose: Assessment
Section: 9a: US321 to Pond Flats
People: Tracy Harris
Summary: special assessment

Reporting: Jeff Miller
Date: 2025-03-02
Purpose: Post-Helene maintenance
Section: 17: Iron Mountain Gap to FS230 switchback
People: Jeff Miller
Summary: Minor maintenance: Throwing off ground-level debris, including some medium-sized branches resulting from recent winds. Hand pruner work. Trash removal.

Reporting: Steve Wilson
Date: 2025-02-26
Purpose: Removing Large Blowdowns on Abingdon Gap Shelter’s Blue Blaze Trail
Section: 2b: Low Point roughly 2 miles N of Abingdon Gap Shelter to McQueen's Gap
People: Benj Lipchak - aka “Luscious”
Summary: The NOBO thru hiker, Benj Lipchak aka “Luscious”, just happened to be passing thru McQueens Gap headed to Damascus when a TEHCC sawyer crew was headed to Abingdon Gap shelter. He was recruited to inventory the blowdowns trail north to the state line, and reported six simple and four large blowdowns. The detailed report included photos and FarOut app mileages for each blowdown, and will be very useful for planning future maintenance outings on sections 2b, 2a, & 1.

Reporting: Vic Hasler
Date: 2025-03-01
Purpose: Checking out the road walk detour, picking up recyclables and trash to be a good partner with Erwin.
Section: 19b: Curley Maple Gap Shelter - Nolichucky River
People: Vic Hasler
Summary: I first learned I-26 South Exit 40 is closed (makes sense as SOBO lane is over on the NOBO side) so went to the next exit to take Temple Hill Road back. (Note: I-26 North Exit 40 is open.) The conga line of dozen or more trucks for CSX is making a loop: south on Unaka Springs Road, then north on Chestoa Pike back to Temple Hill Road. I talked a moment with the road traffic controller who did not realize he was standing on the A.T. I met a NOBO section hiker who after a month was finishing up in Erwin as had to return to work. Uncle Johnny’s Hostel currently has four rooms open plus showers and is close to having the new main building done with a dozen rooms. After picking up a large bag of plastic bottles and Al cans, I skipped most of Unaka Springs Rd, Temple Hill Rd, and Jackson-Love Hwy to continue litter pick-up on Love Station Rd. Most of my time was spent on Chestoa Pike where roadway not in front of houses had lots to remove. Once on the other side of river, I checked the devastation of Chestoa rec area and learned Jones Branch Rd to USA Raft is closed due to some undercutting by the flood. The white blazes appear to be untouched, but having some knowledge about the detour is useful.

Reporting: Jim Foster
Date: 2025-03-01
Purpose: Cut blow downs
Section: 16a: Hughes Gap to Greasy Creek Gap
People: Carl Fritz, Jim Foster
Summary: Carl cut the newest blowdowns and also a hazard tree and cleaned up another cut that was encroaching the trail. We also filled in another rootball hole that's popped up since Wednesday.

Reporting: Joe Morris
Date: 2025-02-18
Purpose: Blowdown removal
Section: 19b: Curley Maple Gap Shelter - Nolichucky River
People: Steve Domagala
Summary: Steve picked up hikers for a shuttle and they reported a couple of small blowdowns near USA Raft, and he removed them.

Reporting: Joe Morris
Date: 2025-02-27
Purpose: Rehab at Temple Hill
Section: 20a: Nolichucky River to Temple Hill Gap
People: TEHCC Joe Morris, Bill Murdoch, John Beaudet, Dennis Lewis, Van Hovey, Steve Domagala
CMC Tom Fink, Dave Roberts, Tim Carrigan, Daniel Koester, Heidi Koester, Wesley Kinsey, Mike Kaies, Paul Curtin
Summary: Another collaboration between CMC and TEHCC continued a string of productive maintenance days on the AT both north and south of TGH. The crew rehabbed 12 root ball cavities (9 requiring cribbing) and completed 294 feet of trail restoration. The road thru the Granny Lewis gate to the gap provided quite the one-off thrill ride.

Reporting: Carl Fritz
Date: 2025-02-25
Purpose: Inspect Trail
Section: 12a: Bitter End to Walnut Mountain Road
People: Tony Messina
Carl Fritz
Summary: We inspected south of Bitter End to determine tools needed to repair root ball damage.

Reporting: Steve Wilson
Date: 2025-02-26
Purpose: Removing Large Blowdowns on Abingdon Gap Shelter’s Blue Blaze Trail
Section: 2b: Low Point roughly 2 miles N of Abingdon Gap Shelter to McQueen's Gap
People: David Allen, Carl Belcher, Scott Huskey, Ed Speer, and Steve Wilson
Summary: This was a multi-sawyer outing to cut the five large blowdowns that were blocking the blue-blaze water trail at the Abingdon Gap Shelter. These large oak trees (18” to 30” diameter) were requiring hikers to duck under or crawling over them to get to the shelter’s water source. The blue blaze trail is now clear and lined with large logs.

Reporting: Carl Fritz
Date: 2025-02-26
Purpose: Rehab Root Balls and Cut Back Blowdowns
Section: 12a: Bitter End to Walnut Mountain Road
People: Tim Stewart
Van Hovey
Karen Yates
Michael Sink
Gerald Scott
Bill Murdoch
Kent Gardner
Renee Messina
Tony Messina
Carl Fritz
Summary: We repaired three root balls. Largest required 25 feet of side log to be pinned with rebar to sloping rock. Another big rock and root required six locust steps. Another required about 10 feet of side log. Renee and Karen trimmed back many rhodendron. Tony cut back many of the blowdowns out of the trail and felled hazard trees at camping areas near river.

Reporting: Jim Foster
Date: 2025-02-26
Purpose: Repair root balls and drop off new shelter register
Section: 16a: Hughes Gap to Greasy Creek Gap
People: Jeff Miller, Jim Foster
Summary: Jeff and I finished repairing the root ball south of the shelter. Over the last week however a large double blowdowns has come down about a quarter mile from GCG. This will take some major sawing as the two are laying at an oblique to the trail. It was a beautiful day and more work to come.

Reporting: JOE MORRIS
Date: 2025-02-26
Purpose: Rehab
Section: 11b: Canute Place to Bitter End
People: Sue Bonito, Jon Heidrick, Joe Morris
Summary: Filled at root ball cavity and recut a section of bench. 78 feet rehabbed.

Reporting: test name 2
Date: 2025-02-23
Purpose: test attachments
Section: Other (Meetings/preparation/etc.)
People: me
Summary: test with attachment and specifying array [0]

Reporting: test name 2
Date: 2025-02-23
Purpose: test attachments
Section: Other (Meetings/preparation/etc.)
People: me
Summary: test (without attachments to see if I already broke it)

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-02-21
Purpose: Scouting and clearing
Section: 10: Hampton trailhead to Dennis Cove Road
People: Scotty Bowman
Kristy Ealdwine
Kacy Hirchfelt
Tyler Cairnes
Kevin Mathews
Dean Baird
Summary: On this day we hiked from Hampton to Dennis Cove via the Highwater trail scouting for blowdowns to cut out. We cleared one on the Highwater trail and 2 small ones north of Koonsford Bridge. It was a shorter day for us since the crew had to travel back to their duty stations for the weekend.

Reporting: Yong Li
Date: 2025-02-21
Purpose: trail maintenance, situation assessment
Section: 16a: Hughes Gap to Greasy Creek Gap
People: Yong Li
Summary: Trial was covered with snow. Removed some small blowdowns. Took pictures of rootballs within about 1.5 miles from Hughes gap. Between miles 373.6 and 372.9, there are about 9 rootballs that require fix.

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-02-19
Purpose: Blowdown Removal
Section: 9b: Pond Flats to Hampton trailhead
People: Scotty Bowman
Kristy Ealdwine
Kacy Hirchfelt
Tyler Cairnes
Kevin Matthews
Summary: Today we finished working towards Pond Flats and cleared the limbs of a downed oak that was blocking the trail , 2 small (6-8”) on ground, Red oak with limbs ~ 90 degrees to trail, and 20” red oak between waist & chest high. Several small trees that had fallen across the trail.

This section is clear up to mile marker 425.

Reporting: Scotty Bowman
Date: 2025-02-18
Purpose: Blowdown Removal
Section: 9b: Pond Flats to Hampton trailhead
People: Scotty Bowman
Kristy Ealdwine
Kacy Hirchfelt
Tyler Cairnes
Kevin Matthews
Summary: We hiked in to clear trees down on the south slope of Pond Mountain. We cleared 3 new downfalls from the Sunday's wind along the Hampton Blueline/Laurel Falls Trail (#501) and cleared on broken leaner that was hanging over the trail. We proceeded along the AT north at the junction and worked to clear to the top of Pond Flats. We cleared 3 trees (7-15”), Red oak step over ~18”, 27” red oak that was lying breast to head high., and a 15” red oak on trail.

Reporting: Joe Morris
Date: 2025-02-18
Purpose: Clear Blowdowns at Mountaineer Falls
Section: 12b: Walnut Mountain Road to Sugar Hollow Creek
People: Joe Morris, Jon Heidrick, Todd Gray, Gerald Scott, Boyd McGinnis, Tony Messina, Jeff Hatling, Bill Murdoch
Summary: Crew continued to clear around Mountaineer Falls shelter including the removal a one hazard tree. The water access trail was cleared and rehabbed to the upper falls. In addition, the crew cleared both tent areas reestablishing around fourteen (14) sites for camping. Comments regarding the improvements were added to the Far-Out app.

Reporting: Scott Huskey
Date: 2025-02-18
Purpose: Trail repair -- fill in rootball damage
Section: 4b: Double Springs Shelter to TN91
People: Scott Huskey and Ed Spears
Summary: Ed and I finished repairing damage to the trail caused by a large root-ball. Using five-gallon buckets, we hauled rock and dirt to the hole, dumped it in and compacted it until we had a reasonably smooth trail through that point. Given the slope here, a water diversion might be required -- I will monitor and see if erosion impacts this point in the trail.

Reporting: Carl Fritz
Date: 2025-02-18
Purpose: Repair Root Balls
Section: 12d: Campbell Hollow Road to US19E
People: Dan Firth
Carl Fritz
Summary: We again tried removing a large rock at a root ball damage, but we did not succeed. We expanded the trail so the rock can be easily hiked around.

Reporting: Tim Stewart
Date: 2025-02-18
Purpose: Helene recovery
Section: 6: Iron Mountain Shelter to Vandeventer Shelter
People: Tim Stewart
Kent Gardner
Peyton Brondos
Randy Allen
Greg Kramer
Summary: We met Brandon and Taylor at the Blue Hole parking area. We then loaded into 2 UTV's and drove on a Forest Service Road to Turkey Pen Gap. The road was an adventure!

From Turkey Pen Gap we hiked to Iron Mountain Shelter water source while removing blowdowns. There were a bunch of tangles, but it wasn't too bad. The treadway is mostly ok as well. Some rootball damage but nothing critical.

With the exception of the Wilderness Areas, this basically completed the initial punch through. A good day that started cold and sunny and then ended cold and cloudy.

Reporting: Jim Foster
Date: 2025-02-17
Purpose: Repair root balls
Section: 16a: Hughes Gap to Greasy Creek Gap
People: Yong Li, Jim Foster
Summary: Yong and I were able to repair 4 more root balls on a cold snowy day. Still several more to go but we're making progress.

Reporting: Steve Wilson
Date: 2025-02-14
Purpose: Removing Blowdowns and Brush at Shelter’s Water Trail
Section: 2b: Low Point roughly 2 miles N of Abingdon Gap Shelter to McQueen's Gap
People: Ed Speer & Steve Wilson
Summary: The purpose of this maintenance trip was to clean up the blue-blaze water trail at the Abingdon Gap Shelter. In a previous outing the upper portion was cleared, but this trip targeted the large blowdowns and entanglements near the spring. Ed and I cleared out the brush and smaller blowdowns, but had to leave five 18” to 30” diameter oak-tree blowdowns that require ducking under or crawling over. Plans are to organized a multi-sawyer outing in the future to clear these since there is a good chance of saw binding and complications when cutting these large blowdowns. The trail is in good shape from McQueens gap to the shelter.

Reporting: Yong Li
Date: 2025-02-14
Purpose: Repair root balls
Section: 16b: Greasy Creek Gap to Iron Mountain Gap
People: Yong Li
Summary: Reinforced some fixes we did earlier, and rehabed another two. We still have about 7 rootball holes that need to be worked on in that location, some easy but some will require quite a bit of work.

Reporting: Jim Foster
Date: 2025-02-13
Purpose: Repair root balls
Section: 16a: Hughes Gap to Greasy Creek Gap
People: Yong Li
Jim Foster
Summary: Yong and I were able to repair 5 root balls before we gave out and it started to get dark. Still several more to repair since we only covered the first half mile of our section.

Reporting: JOE MORRIS
Date: 2025-02-13
Purpose: Assessment for Hardcore
Section: 1: TN/VA state line to Backbone Rock Trail
People: Steve Domagala
Randy Allen
Summary: Randy and Steve started in Damascus and hiked to Backbone Rock for rehab opportunities. Trail was generally in good shape. One gnarly blowdown that was easy to navigate.

Reporting: Joe C Morris
Date: 2025-02-13
Purpose: Rehab and Step Construction
Section: 12d: Campbell Hollow Road to US19E
People: Elzear Lemieux, Greg Kramer, Carl Fritz, Michael Sink, Tim S 7 2tewart, Bob Peoples, Bill Murdoch, Tony Messina, Joe Morris
Summary: Tony fell a large locust, and Bill worked his MacGyver magic, and we placed the approximately 30 foot crib across a large root ball cavity. Another 20 foot crib with two locust steps was created and an additional root ball was mitigated. The crew also attempted to break a large rock outcrop - additional work is required.