
TEHCC is guided by a Steering Committee, who manages the recreation club, and the Appalachian Trail Committee, which coordinates the maintenance and improvement projects.  Both are comprised of Eastman Chemical employees and retirees.  Affiliate members are also involved with the A.T. Committee.  The Steering Committee members serve two-year terms (with the Chair remaining a third year), while folks on the A.T. Committee continue as long as they desire.  TEHCC has several other positions which support the club operation.  Contact anyone below if interested in helping in a role.

Steering Committee

Name Position Email
Eric Dobbs 2025 Chair chair@tehcc.org
Andy Steffan Member ’24-’25
Joseph Sengeh Member ’25-’26
Josh Hayes Member ’25-’26
Mike McCarroll Member ’25-’26
Katelynn Thorne Member ’25-’26
Josh Hayes Past Chair

Appalachian Trail Committee

Position Name Email
Committee Chair Vic Hasler atchair@tehcc.org
Volunteer Coordinator Renee Messina atmaint@tehcc.org
A.T. Projects Coordinators
Carl Fritz
Joe Morris
Sawyer Coordinator Tony Messina
Konnarock Crew Liaison Steve Perri
Signs Coordinator Steve Perri
Invasive Species Coordinator Greg Kramer
Trail Data Collector Vic Hasler
A.T. Account Treasurer Steve Falling
RPC Representatives Steve Perri,
Steve Wilson

Other Positions

Position Name Email
Hike Coordinator Tim Schaefer events@tehcc.org
Membership membership@tehcc.org
Rental Equipment Josh Hayes rental@tehcc.org
Newsletter Editors Terry Oldfield,
Katelynn Thorne
Webmaster Tim Schaefer webmaster@tehcc.org
Records Jeff Siirola records@tehcc.org
Paddling Coordinator Andy Steffan paddling@tehcc.org
SB6k TEHCC Coordinators Vic Hasler,
Kent Wilson