The TEHCC patch features depictions of a highland bald, mountain laurel, and a waterfall in six colors on a 3” circle. (Slightly smaller than recent historical 3.5″ size.)
The patch is available for purchase at $4 (including TN sales tax) each if obtained in person, picked up at the Building 310 Recreation office, or delivered through the Eastman plant mail. An additional $1 is required if the patch is mailed to an address in the USA.
For best service, alert the trading post master by e-mail (tradingpost [at] tehcc [dot] org) or by using our website form. Upfront payment is either cash or check made out to “TEHCC c/o Eastman Recreation Club” delivered to the Building 310 Recreation Office:
Eastman Chemical Company
PO Box 511
Kingsport, TN 37660-5310
Attn: Recreation/Hiking Club/Patch Order
Another payment method for mailed patches recently arranged is to use a credit card by calling the Eastman Recreation Center front desk at (423) 229-3771.