Property:Trail Comment

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This is a property of type Text. This holds comments from a trail trip report focusing on the conditions of the trail. Not to be confused with Property:Hike Comment which holds general comments about the hike.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Trail has been cleared of the 1ft snowfall knockdowns. The only part that wasn’t was the golf course connector.  +
Trail is clear and easy to follow. A little soggy in spots but it has been a wet winter so far.  +
Blowdown at SW end of meadow loop coming down the ridge  +
Looking good. Washed away bridges are back. All winter blow downs have been cleared.  +
Covered in leaves causing some slick spots and hiding tripping hazards.  +
Blowdown where ridge loop comes down the stairs and rejoins the trail. Not difficult to navigate through/around. The wetlands were very wet up to the bottom of the boardwalk, but likely already well receded.  +
Looking good except tree tunnel on ridge loop.  +
Trail in good condition other than blowdown on top of ridge loop, but the tree tunnel is easy to get through.  +
Trail is good to go  +
Bridge off of wetlands loop was overturned.  +
One large blowdown on the upper green loop. One smaller blowdown on the upper yellow loop. Required crouching significantly to go under. Damage to the bridge that leads to the metal walking path above the wetlands. Would have been very hard to get on the metal walkway if there was any more water.  +
Large trail blocking blowdown on ridge loop. A little blocked section on meadow loop.  +
Trail has survived the couple of weeks of banning. The bridge to the wetlands loop continues to be off location. Not sure if a bunch of water came through floating it off trail. Enough boards and dry spots to get across without a wet foot.  +
Little soggy, otherwise portions seen were clear. Bridge from wetlands loop is a mess, but still passable.  +
Bridges up to the board walk were washed out. Trail was clear and it good condition otherwise.  +
Hike was a little slippery in spots from mud and had some blowdowns. There was one large blow down on the first loop that required crawling under it.  +
There were a lot of pools of water that we had to go through to get onto the blue loop from the golf course side. Trail was in good shape. Some bridge improvements could be done to avoid walking through mud/water in the blue loop.  +
Trail was in good shape. It looks like someone had been through recently with a weed trimmer to knock back the grass and weeds along the trail which was nice. There was still damage to the bridge going to the last loop.  +
Trail was in great shape!  +
Trail was in really good shape for the winter. A couple blowdowns, but nothing that was impassable  +