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How many acres is Warriors Path State Park? (hint: Look in the trail infobox on the right)
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{{Trail Map}} __TOC__ ==Trail Overview== ==How To Get There== ==Route Description== ==Typical Conditions== ==Fees, Permits, etc.== ==After the Hike== ==Miscellaneous Information== ==Gallery== {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
{{Trail Map}}
{{Trail Map |Other Trails=<optional> |Zoom Cancel=<optional, any entry to envoke>}}
{{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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{{Trail Map}} __TOC__ ==Trail Overview== A loop trail leaving the uphill side of the main parking to climb a low ridge above Bark Camp Lake. Kitchen Rock is a large sandstone outcropping with a small cave opening at its base. ==How To Get There== Refer to the park page for directions from Kingsport. Pass the turn for the campground to parking lot for the fishing piers. ==Route Description== Starting from the parking lot, you can go clockwise or counterclockwise on the loop trail. This basic description is clockwise from the main parking lot. <tab class=wikitable sep=comma head=top> Miles CW, Miles CCW, Elevation (ft),Description 0.0, 0.6, 2763, At main parking lot 0.3, 0.3, 2953, Reach highpoint 0.5, 0.1, 2936, At access road 0.6, 0.0, 2763, Back at parking lot </tab> ==Typical Conditions== Hard dirt trail with multiple switchbacks. ==Fees, Permits, etc.== $3 day use fee - pay at information kiosk in main parking lot. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. ==After the Hike== ==Miscellaneous Information== ==Gallery== {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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