Property:Trail Comment

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This is a property of type Text. This holds comments from a trail trip report focusing on the conditions of the trail. Not to be confused with Property:Hike Comment which holds general comments about the hike.

Showing 14 pages using this property.
Trail was in great shape  +
With recent rain/snow/freezing rain the trail was very wet and over running with water in several places. The ice storm had knocked down many branches and trees on to the trail, but for the first 1.5 miles no parts were impassible. Hikers that went further said closer to the finish after turning off Brumley Mountain Trail it was difficult to pass without climbing through drooping rhododendrons covered in ice and blow downs. Other hikers reported to have made it.  +
The trail was in good shape! There were a few blowdowns. The most were around mountaineer shelter. There was also bridge damage very near 19E.  +
Trail was in really good shape and only one blowdown that we had to climb over.  +
Trail was all in great shape. Grass starting to get high in some parts  +
All trails were in good condition  +
Trails were in good shape and easy to navigate. No problems observed.  +
Currently there is a yellow jacket nest less than 0.5 mile in. There is a sign at the trailhead about it. Blue flags on the trail mark the in-ground nest. We had no issues skirting around the side of the trail/nest. Trail was otherwise in great condition.  +
First time on the excellently-constructed relo. The 900' elevation gain is roughly 83 floors experienced at an 18% average grade. The path was covered with a thick layer of oak leaves, which was slippery thus recommend hiking poles in the Fall especially to avoid "skiing" on the way back down. Views at the top were crisp.  +
Trail was in good condition.  +
Trail is clear and easy to follow. All blowdowns from the heavy snowfall appear to have been cleared or at least routed around.  +
Fairly good condition. No problems.  +
Trails in normal condition  +