User talk:Vhasler

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Revision as of 13:31, 4 October 2015 by Tim (talk | contribs) (bays mountain KML question)
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The following list are Bays Mountain Hikes that are either missing KML's or the KML is missing data. Any ideas? It's a dynamic list so if there's nothing there, they've all been fixed! (at least cleared of the flag to bring them here).

--Tim (talk) 13:31, 4 October 2015 (EDT)

Good to go on the maps conversion. See ClubWiki:Using_GMaps for the help page and recent changes for converted pages. It's a bit of a pain to convert. More tedious than anything. For some reason a search for "googlemap" doesn't return all of the pages that use the old extension. We'll just have to ferret them out over time. For now I'm just going down the trails list. --WikiSysop (talk) 21:07, 21 August 2015 (MDT)

Still despite my best efforts searching I can't seem to search out the old extension uses to make it easier to find pages needing conversion. Conversion is a fairly straight forward process
  1. Remove typical opener of "googlemap version="0.9" lat="36.5700" lon="-82.2325"" and change to simply "display_map" - the new extension automatically centers and zooms on the listed pins and can zoom on a loaded kml if instructed
  2. Make sure the opener tag has a height definition and change/add width="auto"
  3. Remove any other zoom or scale and the icons definitions in the opener - usually the opener can be as simple as <display_map type="terrain" height="400" width="auto"> with the gkml definition if needed
  4. Change all of the pins to match the new format described on the help page
  5. Change the closer tag from /googlemap to /display_map