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How many acres is Warriors Path State Park? (hint: Look in the trail infobox on the right)
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{{Trail Map}} __TOC__ ==Trail Overview== ==How To Get There== ==Route Description== ==Typical Conditions== ==Fees, Permits, etc.== ==After the Hike== ==Miscellaneous Information== ==Gallery== {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
{{Trail Map}}
{{Trail Map |Other Trails=<optional> |Zoom Cancel=<optional, any entry to envoke>}}
{{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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<display_map type="terrain" zoom="14" height="500" width="auto" gkml=","> 36.5079432419, -82.4846941996~Warriors Path Riding Stables~ ~MarkerG.png </display_map> __TOC__ == Trail Overview == <!-- Enter a overview of the trail. What attracts you to this trail, points of interest, types of flowers, lakes, and peaks that you see along the way. --> Located in [[Warriors' Path State Park]]. Woodland Ridge Trail is located behind the park stables, thus used heavily for horse and pony rides. For safety, hike this trail when the stables are closed. The trail is open to hikers. == How to get there == <!-- Please enter detailed instruction on how to find the trail head. --> From Kingsport, TN #Take Fort Henry Drive to left at traffic light onto Hemlock Rd. #Make the hard left right in front of Warriors Path Park entrance to follow the road onto Fall Creek Rd. #Cross the bridge over Patrick Henry Lake. #Turn to the left to the stables #Park at bottom parking lot. Trail begins at upper horse stable. == Route Description== <!-- Detailed description of the route. Is there any side trails that are worth traveling? --> == Typical Conditions == <!-- Typical conditions throughout the year of what to expect on the trail. Rocky, muddy, sandy, flowers, lots of downed trees? --> Deeply rutted and full of what horses leave behind. Wide and clear. Very easy to follow. ==Fees, Permits, etc. == <!-- Please list any Fees, Permits, Regulations, etc. that may be required on this trail.--> None needed, just park and go. == Misc. Information == <!-- Enter any additional information that doesn't fit an any other fields. Does this trail require any permits for overnight? parking? --> Nice wide horse trail but not too much to see that you don't get from the other trails in the park. It does have nice views of the golf course from a power line cut. Park trail map not accurate of the actual trails. == Photos == {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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