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{{Trail Map}} __TOC__ ==Trail Overview== ==How To Get There== ==Route Description== ==Typical Conditions== ==Fees, Permits, etc.== ==After the Hike== ==Miscellaneous Information== ==Gallery== {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
{{Trail Map}}
{{Trail Map |Other Trails=<optional> |Zoom Cancel=<optional, any entry to envoke>}}
{{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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{{Trail Map|Other Trails=Darwin's Revenge, Boneyard, Rock City, Lake Road (Warriors Path State Park)}} Darwin's Revenge is the red line. Boneyard is dark green. Whitetail Loop with Rock City is dark blue. All three routes start from the parking lot kiosk. __TOC__ == Trail Overview == <!-- Enter a overview of the trail. What attracts you to this trail, points of interest, types of flowers, lakes, and peaks that you see along the way. --> Located in [[Warriors Path State Park]]. == How to get there == <!-- Please enter detailed instruction on how to find the trail head. --> From main entrance of [[Warriors Path State Park]]: #Go north on Fall Creek Road for 2.4 miles. #Turn right (east) onto Old Mill Road for 0.8 miles. #Turn right (south) onto Childress Ferry Road for just roughly 100 yards. #Turn left (east) onto Buttermilk Road for 1.2 miles. #Turn right (south) onto Freeman Road for 0.5 mile. #Continue when road changes from asphalt to gravel. Trailhead at gravel parking lot. == Route Description== [[File:Whitetail Loop-profile.png|thumb|Elevation profile]] The trail has some ups and downs, but none of them steep or sustained. The route will bring you by the river and along the power line cut for some good views. == Typical Conditions == <!-- Typical conditions throughout the year of what to expect on the trail. Rocky, muddy, sandy, flowers, lots of downed trees? --> The mountain biking association [ SORBA Tri-Cities] handles the trail maintenance, thus generally in good condition. While there are no blazes to guide you through the forest, the narrow single tracks are well established. Grab a trail map at the parking lot kiosk to help you decipher intersections; some which could use signs. Be aware for approaching bike riders who can come up quickly on your group. Step aside to let them safely pass. ==Fees, Permits, etc. == <!-- Please list any Fees, Permits, Regulations, etc. that may be required on this trail.--> No fee required. Dogs are allowed on or off leash. Do not drink any water without treatment! == Photos == {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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