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{{Trail Map}} __TOC__ ==Trail Overview== ==How To Get There== ==Route Description== ==Typical Conditions== ==Fees, Permits, etc.== ==After the Hike== ==Miscellaneous Information== ==Gallery== {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
{{Trail Map}}
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{{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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{{Trail Map|Other Trails=White Rock Trail}} Tower Ridge Trail is the blue line, while [[White Rock Trail]] is in black. <br />Note: The route for Highridge Road is incorrect as the service road is closed with a gate. __TOC__ == Trail Overview == Located in [[Buffalo Mountain Park]], this trail offers an alternative hiking route up to the communication towers area. == How to get there == Refer to the “How to get there” instructions on the [[Buffalo Mountain Park]] page. Take the gravel road left to the alternative parking area. The actual lower trailhead is reached from the [[White Rock Trail]] by either heading into Hartsell Hollow or heading up the steep gravel service road. == Route Description== The blue blazed Tower Ridge Trail travels between two junctions with the [[White Rock Trail]]. The lower trailhead is in the power line right-of-way, while the upper trailhead is behind the communication towers. The steep and narrow trail follows the ridgeline to the west of the service road. At the upper end, it briefly connects to and travels the service road. A roughly three mile loop hike can be done in couple of hours (plus stops) by hiking up the Tower Ridge Trail and returning by the White Rock Trail. The latter offers views to the east of the I-26 valley. == Typical Conditions == The blue blazes were recently repainted, thus the route is clear once on this trail. It is a narrow and steep path winding along the ridgeline through rhododendron and small trees. Views to the north can be had when the leaves are down. Watch out for the many briars growing along the trail! This area was not affected by the 2008 fire. ==Fees, Permits, etc. == <!-- Please list any Fees, Permits, Regulations, etc. that may be required on this trail.--> No fees or permits required. == Photos == {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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