Edit Trail: Roaring Branch Trail

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To edit this page, please answer the question that appears below (more info):

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Banner Image:
Trail Highlight:
Trail Number:
Trail System:
Park: The park the trail is located
City: Leave blank to inherit park's location (sometimes large parks trail location could be closer to a different city than the main office, e.g. Great Smoky Mountains), otherwise assign nearest city to the trail.
Land Owner:
Wilderness Area:
Trail Marking:
Difficulty Rating:
Hike Time: (include units: hrs (default) or min) - Typical time from your vehicle and back to vehicle, include trail access and return time
Trail Distance: (include units: mi(default), km, ft, m) - Length of the trail, does not include access or return
Round Trip Distance: (include units: mi(default), km, ft, m) - Total typical distance to reach the trail, hike it, and return
Trail Type:
High Point: (include units: ft (default) or yards)
Low Point: (include units: ft (default) or yards)
Elevation Gain: (include units: ft (default) or yards)
Elevation Loss: (should be zero or negative / include units: ft (default) or yards)
Elevation Change Direction:
Parking: Typical parking spot to access the trail - location is the link to get people here using Google Maps.

Enter an address and use button to find coordinates, enter manually, or use the map to drop the pin to define the coordinates.

Trailhead Typical trailhead

Enter an address and use button to find coordinates, enter manually, or use the map to drop the pin to define the coordinates.

Page Layout Templates and special editing tips
This is the desired page structure. Unused portions can be simply omitted/deleted. Desire to begin with a large map of the trail ({{Trail Map}}), then table of contents (__TOC__), then onto the page content.
{{Trail Map}}


==Trail Overview==

==How To Get There==

==Route Description==

==Typical Conditions==

==Fees, Permits, etc.==

==After the Hike==

==Miscellaneous Information==

{{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
Useful templates in text sections
Name Template code to insert Description
Trail Map {{Trail Map}} or

{{Trail Map
|Other Trails=<optional>
|Zoom Cancel=<optional, any entry to envoke>}}

Returns a large topo map showing the trailhead and parking location. Replace <optional> with comma separated trails on this website. For the current trail page and any specified 'Other Trails' it will also show any map markers and KML file from the trail page. When displaying, if a KML file is found with the name of the trail page, it will provide a link under the map to download the kml file or to upload a replacement. If not found, it provides a link to upload a KML file. The Zoom Cancel command can be used if there are added map markers much beyond the uploaded KML, as default behavior is to zoom in on the KML.
Park trail gallery {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}} Returns a photo gallery of the images associated with a specified trail. This same template can be used for Parks simply by replacing Trail with Park. Images need to be tagged to enable the template to find them and show them.

Simple Tables are available to easily add tables to your page. This allows more "logical" and compact addition of simple tables to the page. You can also type out a table in a spreadsheet and save the content as a comma delimited or tab delimited file and paste it between the table commands. Tab delimited is useful if you want to use commas in the text. Excel's "Save as..." includes an option to save as either tab or comma delimited text files. After saving it, open the created text file, then paste the contents between the tab open and close commands. See the link for details but most usage is likely as follows (omit "sep=comma" if the data is tab delimited):

Example simple table usage
Wiki table code How it would be shown
<tab class=wikitable sep=comma head=top>
Head 1,Head 2,Head 3
Field 4,Field 5,Field 6
Field 7,Field 8,Field 9
Head 1 Head 2 Head 3
Field 4 Field 5 Field 6
Field 7 Field 8 Field 9

Free text:


Markers to place on the park page (and eventually to show on trail pages)

Map Markers
