Rocky Fork Beaver Workday


2:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type

The APE’s are teaming up with the State Park Crew to help clean-out wood/strainers from this beautiful little steep creek for safer paddling.

The Rocky Fork (Class III-V) has been frequently paddled by many creek boaters over the last few decades, but storms in recent years have filled the creek with many fallen trees. The State Park Staff wants to remedy this situation with a workday with whitewater paddlers to prepare the creekfor the upcoming creeking season. This is also a great way to scout the creek run at low water!

Due to State Park legal oversight, only park staff can operate chainsaws. They will have 2-3 park folks out operating saws. Paddlers/volunteers will swamp brush and clear cut wood. The park will provide hand operated as well as truck winches to help drag out the big stuff.

Meet at the Main Parking Lot with work gloves, clothes & shoes that canget dirty/wet, safety glasses, and water/snacks. Park will have helmets and some gloves to loan out.

Please Register for event so Rocky Fork State Park knows how many volunteers to expect. Thanks for considering to Volunteer:

Any questions Email Tim.Pharis@Tn.Gov