Property:Hike Comment

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This is a property of type Text. This holds a general comment about the hike. Not to be confused with Property:Trail Comment which holds comments about the trail.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Teni Butler, and Kyle Haas were on the hike. It was a great hike. We stopped for an early lunch up in the pine trees on top of Unaka Mt.  +
Hiked with Jonathan Shumaker and Teni Butler. Hike was well maintained and the rain held off for most of the hike!  +
Teni Butler, Kyle Haas, and Alex Lyttle attended the hike. It was a great cool day.  +
Hiked the Iron Mountain to Hughes Gap portion on March 13th. Hiked Hughes Gap to Carver's Gap on March 20th.  +
Hike started just after 10am. Even in the first weekend in May, the parking lot at Carvers Gap is starting to fill up. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning/afternoon weather-wise. So perfect that I do not think a single hiker broke a sweat. The hike trekked through the fir forest along the AT for 2 miles, past the Roan High Knob AT shelter and the site/remains of the Cloudland hotel. About 1 mile in, there was a recently downed tree across the trail that involved some climbing over. We passed several section or thru hikers on the trail. After 2 miles on the AT, we continued on the Cloudland Trail for another mile to enjoy the Roan High Knob Bluff overlook all to ourselves for a great rest break and lunch. There was a neat splintered tree from a very recent lightening strike on the Cloudland Trail section. Then we hiked back the way we came, for a round-trip mileage of approx. 6.9 miles (~4.5 total miles on the AT). Gary Bond attended (a new member and previous thru hiker) and was a great companion for the trip with myself and my wife, Jackie.  +
Teni Butler hiked as well. Only hiked to Hughes Gap.  +
Second of two trails to map for trail wiki for a quick workout.  +
Instead of shuttling for a couple of hours I hiked back to my car after backing packing with the scouts  +
Lake and creaks were all looking good.  +
This was helping control points along the trail for the Moonlight Hike for FunFest. Attendees were Vic Hasler, Alex Lyttle, Jacob Lustik, and Jonathan Shumaker.  +
Teni and I went with Josh. Was a nice afternoon hike.  +
Trail was in good condition considering the snow. No problems navigating to the falls and back  +
Enjoyed a tune-up hike before a longer hiking trip. Falls was running pretty well. Several people were swimming under the falls and they looked a little cold so we didn't join them.  +
Day hike to get my dog Louis used to wearing his new pack.  +
Second day of Troop 48 Beginner's Backpack. The kids and I took off early to ensure meeting a pre-arranged pick up.  +
A beautiful cool day for a hike. The recent rain and now made the falls very full. There were icicles near the falls and along the trail as well.  +
No problems, very few people on the trail. Nice peaceful walk  +
The falls and the overlook were both great to see. It was a cool morning and the trail and park did not have much traffic. Attending the hike were Jonathan Shumaker and Hanieh Niroomand.  +
The hike was to collect the GPS track to post on the Laurel Run Trail wiki page. However, I spent time on the first pass opening up the 0.9-mile loop path using a swing blade and loppers - shuttling the tools as I proceeded. The area was quiet to enjoy the view and forest, but the morning was rapidly getting hot.  +
Exploring the Clarks Creek area to expand the Trail Wiki while being out of house (since working from home). AllTrails lists a misnamed Pine Ridge Falls Trail that is a spur off Longarm Trail left right after the first creek crossing. The small plunge waterfall would be better designated for the Devil Fork stream.  +