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{{Trail Map}} __TOC__ ==Trail Overview== ==How To Get There== ==Route Description== ==Typical Conditions== ==Fees, Permits, etc.== ==After the Hike== ==Miscellaneous Information== ==Gallery== {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
{{Trail Map}}
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{{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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{{Trail Map}} __TOC__ == Trail Overview == <!-- Enter a overview of the trail. What attracts you to this trail, points of interest, types of flowers, lakes, and peaks that you see along the way. --> Trail at the newest state park in North Carolina to 5,560' summit with view of northern highlands. In 2002, 5540β² Elk Knob was purchased by The Nature Conservancy and later conveyed to the State of North Carolina as first a natural area, then a state park. Initially the summit could be reached by a very steep gravel road, but some excellent trail construction work has resulted in completion of a new, hardened sidehill trail not unlike the [[TEHCC AT|A. T.]] heading up [[Carver's Gap to US19E|Round Bald]]. The new trail leads 2 miles to the top of Elk Knob which has two very nice overlooks, one at the summit looking north towards Mt. Rogers and the [[Grayson Highlands State Park|Grayson Highlands]] and one a little below the top looking south towards [[Julian Price Memorial Park|Grandfather]] and Roan Mountains. This is a great wildflower hike with many trillium in early May and Grayβs lilies and flame azalea in June. == How to get there == <!-- Please enter detailed instruction on how to find the trail head. --> From Johnson City, TN Longer, but easier drive is: #Take US321 over to Boone, NC. #Take NC194 north out of Boone for just over four miles. #Turn onto Meat Camp Road and travel just over five miles. #Turn right at state park sign and enter on gravel road #The parking area at the sharp bend in the road is the trailhead. Park address is 5564 Meat Camp Road Todd, NC 28684-9549 == Route Description== <!-- Detailed description of the route. Is there any side trails that are worth traveling? --> Well built, blue blaze trail to the views at the summit. New summit trail replaces the old steep rocky jeep road. The new summit trail is a longer route but has several switchbacks and thus a more gradual way to the top. As the trail winds its way up, it will cross the old road from time to time. The old jeep road is still available for hiking if you want to but the summit trail is much easier. The north view feature spectacular views of the entire Amphibolite Range north of Boone with Mount Rogers and Whitetop in Virginia also viewable. On extremely clear days it's possible to see Pilot Mountain way off near Winston Salem. The south view features 3 ski resorts (Beach, Sugar, Appalachian Ski), Grandfather Mountain, Roan Highlands, and the Black Mountains. On extremely clear days, it's been reported that Mount Guyot in the Smokies is visible! {| class="wikitable" border=1" |- !Distance (mi) !Feature |---- |0.0 |Trailhead |---- |0.9 |Neat tree that looks like it's growing on a rock out of thin air |---- |1.1 |Bench with a good view north towards "The Peak" in Ashe County |---- |1.9 |Trail arrives at top. Go left for the south view, go right for north view and the true summit |---- |} == Typical Conditions == <!-- Typical conditions throughout the year of what to expect on the trail. Rocky, muddy, sandy, flowers, lots of downed trees? --> ==Fees, Permits, etc. == <!-- Please list any Fees, Permits, Regulations, etc. that may be required on this trail.--> No fees at this time. Camping is not allowed. <u>Park Hours</u> <br>November - February: 8AM - 6PM <br>March, April, May, September and October: 8AM - 8PM <br>June - August: 8AM - 9PM <br>Trail closes 15 minutes before the park entrance gate is locked. == After the Hike == <!-- Anywhere interesting to stop by since you're in the area!! --> == Misc. Information == <!-- Enter any additional information that doesn't fit an any other fields. Does this trail require any permits for overnight? parking? --> Link to [ state park webpage], [ park map], and [ back-country trails map]. ==Gallery== {{Park trail gallery|Trail={{PAGENAME}}}}
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