Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail – Saturday, May 23

Leader: Vic Hasler (423-238-0388)

Rating: ~8 mile round trip hike with 1600 ft elevation climb and return

The Overmountain Men marched in 1780 to join the Revolutionary War at the Battle of King’s Mountain. This portion of the route in the Hampton Creek Cove State Natural Area was improved during 2007 to provide a better trail. We’ll start with open meadows (closing any gates used since livestock is grazed in the area) and then along the Left Prong of Hampton Creek. Spring wildflowers are expected. Forest is entered and the hike continues up Yellow Mountain to reach the Appalachian Trail. We’ll head another 0.2 miles to Overmountain shelter for lunch. Return by mostly same route except jumping over onto Birchfield trail on the other side of the creek. Let’s meet in Colonial Heights at 8AM. The 1.5 drive route can be arranged to pick up folks in Johnson City. Bring plenty of water and lunch. No dogs on this hike since a nature preserve. Return to Kingsport between 5-6PM.