New blog engine!

I’ve moved the site to a new blog engine, from Joomla to WordPress for the incredibly curious. My main goal was to make the move as transparent as possible. Most of the old links should still work, the look and layout (theme) of the site was attempted to be as similar as possible, and most of the same content should still be here. Contact me at if you find any problems.So why did I change it? Mostly because I’m a WordPress fan. For a simple site like ours it’s a lot easier to manage and work with. Upgrades are as automatic as they can make them. Posting is a breeze and overall the backend/admin end of it is much easier in my opinion to deal with. As you may have noticed, I’m trying to make the site more dynamic with added content, and with Joomla it wasn’t easy to work with and manage. Something about our installation only allowed for super-admin accounts so if I gave anyone access they had total access. Not that I think anyone would be malicious, but there was plenty to accidentally mess up. With WordPress I feel confident that I could gave many people low level access and they can help contribute, publish, edit, and administer the site.

Also a paid for program was used to create the look of the site and to modify it, you had to have it installed. Long term it just seemed best to stay away from that as people come and go. The only problem is that I’m not a CSS wizard so the theme is a little rough around the edges, but for the most part I’m fairly pleased with it.